17 - 'The arms of lonely'

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"Rookie hey" You heard someone say, tapping your cheek roughly.

Your ears were ringing as you cracked your eyes slightly. Harsh white beams greeting you as you winced and squirmed.

Squirming awoke a flaming pain in your leg, and you groaned. A headache beating the sides of your temples. You shifted uncomfortably as you grunted feeling a sharper pain. You were lying down somewhere.

You squinted slowly letting your eyes adjust to the light, finding yourself staring at the helicopter ceiling. A pilot knelt beside you. You sat up quickly with struggle. "Who's flying!?" You asked voice rising in panic. "Calm down rook he's the co-pilot" Price soothed.

You dropped back down, tilting your chin to see Ghost looking ahead. Your head rested on his thigh as you laid, Soap and Price in the seats opposite your legs, allowing you the space to lay down. You winced as the pilot prodded your wound.

"Stop that" you growled at him. He looked slightly nervous as he glanced at Price for help. "He's just going to help" Price said with a stern nod. You shook your head "I don't need it" you grumbled. "Yes, you do" Ghost joined in.

"Nuh uh" you said.

"Yuh huh" he replied.

"Nuh. Uh." You narrowed your eyes.

"Yuh. Huh." He matched your tone.

"Nuh uh" you protested.

"Whether you like it or not their helping you" he said ending the argument with a simple glare.

You sighed and turned to the pilot giving him an angry glare and sliding your hand across your neck, threatening him.

"Rook..." Price growled lowly as he narrowed his eyes at you, folding his arms.

You sighed, looking back up trying not to grunt as the fabric from your pants rubbed against the open gash. The pilot undid the paper clip and untied the bloody bandage. "You don't have something that'll knock me out I suppose?" You said, not facing him. "No sorry" he apologized. You sighed once more.

You had built up a surrounding shield inside. Putting on a brave face while inside you still wept. You'd exposed yourself enough, more than you liked others to see. Glad they didn't speak or mention it in sign of respect. A sharp stabbing made you grit your teeth, lasting for a second.

You looked down at the needle then at the pilot with a stare. "It's just going to numb the area" He explained quickly under pressure from your gaze. You turned back up to the ceiling as the pilot moved back to the seat beside Soap opposite you. "It'll take a little while" he said.

You stared at the ceiling, trying your best to close your mind. Steer it away from the direction it kept trying to head. You closed your eyes once more; sleep was the only way out this time. It took a little while but eventually sleep consumed you as it always seemed to do and washed you over resting you gently at the bottom of your mind as you fell asleep.


You awoke with a gasp feeling a mild pain. The Pilot recoiled, startled by your sudden movement. You noticed he was working on your thigh. You looked about, Soap and Price very obviously asleep. Looking both uncomfortable in their awkward positions trying to find a decent pose to sleep in.

You looked over your shoulder at Ghost, but you couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. Unable to see from the side into his mask. He looked as he always did. You laid back down, tensing slightly at the small shots of pain flowing through your veins.

"Sorry" the pilot mumbled to you. You didn't reply watching him work in silence. He cut bandages and strips, cleaning your wound with multiple fluids. His touch was soft, he wasn't rushing. The torn fabric of your pants kept getting in his way, but he simply brushed it away without getting impatient.

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