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Ashley's POV
I had driven to the outskirts of the city. I'm sat on a rock, it's a few feet away from the edge of a cliff.

My eyes are stinging and I have a minor headache because of all the crying I've been doing. I'm playing my life out in my head

Start of flashback
- "hey babe..." I smiled taking a seat next to him "it's nice out today. You moved again yesterday I wonder if you'll move today"

I opened a packet of jelly beans and picked out the red ones "I know you like the red ones, here" I placed them in his palm

I quietly ate the rest while watching him. When I finished I got up and looked at him, he looked peaceful. "I'm going to get some water okay?" I waited as though he'd give me a response. I laughed at myself then kissed his lips gently and walked out to get some water

On my way back I greeted a few nurses I knew then entered his room again. I claimed my spot again and downed the water "I promised you that I wouldn't cry today. You hated seeing me cry"

I stood and held his hand with one hand and played with his hair using the other. My eyes focused on how my fingers laced themselves in his thick hair "hmm looks like it's grown again" I smiled averting my eyes from his hair to his now open eyes

I gasped in shock. He's never opened his eyes but I knew it's normal, but he blink as though adjusting them to the light then a grunt vibrated out of his mouth from the back of his throat

My heart spiked and my voice was caught in my throat while tears breamed my eyes. He's awake... he's awake! I let go of his hand and stepped back. He grunted again slowly moving his head like he was in pain

"He's awake!" I screamed "he's awake!!" I ran out of the room "he's awake!!! Someone please he's awake!" I said crying

His dad had just reached at the main entrance to the unit with food. Nurses began running passed me into the room. His dad dropped everything he was carrying and ran passed me as well

I turned and ran towards the room but a nurse caught me before I could run in. "Let me go I want to see" I cried out

"Calm down we have to observe and do tests" he spoke to me now pulling me further away. He's dad was also pulled out and he paced back and forth in front of the door

Several minutes had passed, he's mom had finally arrived from her physiotherapy session, she couldn't believe it either.

I hung in the back on a bench away from the door. My knees were pulled to my chest and I hugged them tightly. I was shaking I don't know why

Nurses began spilling out and we all perked up, the doctor finally came out "we've run all the tests on him, it's really a miracle he's awake. After the multiple surgeries we had performed like those to stop the internal bleeding and the swelling of the brain, he's responsive but still he refuses to speak. It's best he sees you all and maybe we can get to hear him and really assess if all is well" they both nodded understanding

I walked shyly to the door too scared of how he'll find me, I hope I don't look like I've been crying because he hates that.

"" He said in a barely audible voice. They both let out breaths of relief and hugged him, I didn't move from where I was peeping from "w-why.. why am I here?" His parents both looked at the doctor

"Give him a minute to remember. I asked him if he knew his name and he did." They nodded "Son, what's the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked

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