CHAPTER TEN: Chanel's family (EDITED)

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Ashley's POV
i woke up feeling great, that's one of the most peaceful nights I've had, i really slept like a baby. At some point in the night Aiden pulled me to him, my life felt perfect. I don't know if he woke up and realized but stayed like that? I was bursting with joy.

When I woke up the relaxing sounds of the waves filled my ears and on top of that, the morning breeze just set a good vibe.

My eyes were still shut but I could tell the sun was shining, so I slowly opened by eyes to avoid blinding myself. When my eyesight adjusted to the brightness I took a moment to look at the amazing view in front of me. I stared at it for a while with a small smile plastered on my lips just thinking if only everyday was like this, waking up to such an amazing view, sleeping like a baby, the fresh sea breeze, waking up next to Aiden....

Aiden, I looked to my side and saw a peaceful looking Aiden, he looks so cute and relaxed like this was the most sleep he's had in days. Seen him like this reminded me of his past self and how cute he would look whenever he was asleep. Now realistically speaking most people don't look good when they're asleep but Aiden? Aiden looks gorgeous and I'm not exaggerating or saying it just because I'm in love with him. He really looks cute, I remembered how I'd always take pictures of him while he was asleep, I'm even tempted to right now.

I stared at his perfect face in awe, stuck in a trance. He has really grown to be very handsome, his perfect sharp jawline, his long lashes, his perfectly shaped brows, his cherry colored full lips and his defined chest raising and falling in rhythm with his breathing... Yup that's how much I've stared at him

I smiled one last time with a sigh then jumped off the rock we slept on so I could start up breakfast for everyone seen as they were all still asleep. I walked back to where the bonfire had taken place and begun making breakfast.

While the water was heating I decided to check my phone for any missed calls or texts

Mom: hi sweetie, I hope you're okay... I just wanted to let you know I went for work early and the keys are where we always put them,,,oh and there isn't any breakfast so eat with your friends. XOXO
Me: I'm fine mom, I'll be by Chanel's today and I'll probably eat there so don't stress. Love you

I tucked my phone in my hoodie's pocket then made coffee, tea and cocoa. In Aiden's cup I made one of his favorites which is hot cocoa with mini marshmallows with some whipped cream. I did the same in two other cups so it doesn't look suspicious to the rest

After I was done with that I fried up some bacon and eggs and made toast. If you're wondering how I made toast out doors seen as there isn't any toaster, I merely cracked up some eggs then soaked the bread in them,put some onion and lil bit of cheese and other stuff if necessary then fried the bread. I don't know if that's toast but I call them that. My dad taught me how to make them when we went camping once with Chanel

When I was frying the last two slices of bread everyone began waking up "what smells so good out doors?" Jake said rubbing his eyes

"just something I cooked up real quick for breakfast" I said while placing it on a plastic plate for him

"mmm, can I have some" he asked, eyes glistening at the food

"sure" I smiled then handed him the plate. Jake is kinda cute, okay his really cute but... I simply find Aiden better

'Oh, you know how you keep saying you have to move on? Yeah thing is, you keep going back' my subconscious scolded

Everyone else woke up and began eating "oh mahn I remember when your dad used to make these for breakfast at our camping trips whenever he came back from work during the holidays" Chanel smiled remembering the good old days

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