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Armando Dominguez

My Brian was tugging on my arm and making me walk faster into the large mall in front of us.

"Do we have to go here?" I asked.

"Yes, Armando! I need to start shopping for college and since your muscles are so big and strong, you can carry all my things." Brian replied.

"You're taking advantage of my body?" I asked.

"Of course. This is all mine." Brian put his hand on my chest and ran it down through my chest. He quickly pulled his hand away and just turned around. "Let's go." He muttered.

As soon as we walked in, I smelled the weird aroma. A mix of fast food and new shoes. Brian ignored the shops on the first floor and took us up the escalator into the second floor. We finally approached a clothing store.

"How much do you plan on buying?" I asked.

Brian pulled out a credit card. "My dad gave me his card." He smirked.

"Just don't take long because I'm hungry." I told him.

"We'll get some food after we're done here." Brian said. I followed him through the clothing aisles and just stood next to him.

Brian would grab a shirt or sweater, see if it's big enough, and then hand it for me to hold. After 15 minutes, my arms were full of clothes.

"To the changing rooms!" He commanded.

Luckily, there was a bench outside the changing room where I could sit down. My job was to hand Brian any clothes. Once he tried them on, he either gave them to me to put in a buy or leave pile. Who knew that such a little guy could need so many clothes.

"How do I look?" He asked, stepping out of the changing room. He had on a black leather jacket, similar to mine.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious..." I said.

"You finally said it." Brian said.

"Cause it's the word that best describes you right now." I stood up and walked over to him, kissing him on the lips.

"You hungry? Let's go get some food." Brian said.

"Finally." I groaned.

Once Brian had paid for everything, we walked out the store, with me holding four large bags in my arms. Luckily, we didn't have to walk long to find a food court. I went to find us a seat and waited for Brian to come back with food.

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