Chapter 17: Sneaking into Westrunn

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Years ago...

It was a calm day in the village, people were farming in their fields tending to their gardens, and greeting their neighbors.

It was a peaceful morning, but a rustle in the woods drew one of the workers' attention. Inching closer towards the field's border, only to meet a hand as it shoots out from the tall grass.

Letting out muffled shouts as the others were alerted, seeing the worker raised in the air as a half-giant stepped out, his herb followed suit.

The villagers became scared as they shuffled back, A glow of the gauntlet, and the neck were snapped. "Herd, bleed 'em!"

The half-giant orders and his herd charges at the villagers. The people cried and scattered as they tried to escape.

But they were cut down, stabbed straight through, and their neck snapped. Torches were thrown onto the roofs of the houses, setting them on fire.

Within a matter of seconds, the fire spreads the village, wiping everything out.

Some of the villagers did attempt to fight back, only their resistance was futile as one of the Barbarians, young and fast, swung his two hand axes, slicing the villagers.

After wiping out the archer on the roof in a pleasured rage, he retrieves his axes and drops to the ground, Kevdak just smiles at the young barbarian. "Fine work, boy. You do the herd proud," he states as the young barbarian just pants.

"Take what you want, and teach 'em to feat the name Grog Strongjaw." The Barbarian turns and looks at Kevdak, The young Grog Strongjaw just grins at him, drenched in the blood of his victims.


On the outskirts of the ruined farmlands of the City of Westruun. Pike Trickfoot. Scanlan Shortholt, Grog Strongjaw, and Jason Brassfoot peek from the attic window of a barn they hid in and look out at the city gate, seeing it was a wasteland.

"No guards. No movement. Uh, you sure this was the place you saw in that vision?" she asks, looking over at Scanlan.

"Hundred percent. I've played dozens of gigs in Westruun." Scanlan answers as he pulls away from the window. "Lousy tippers, but they really appreciate the classics. Oh, by big closer was always "When the Blade Man Cr..." he starts to regale a story.

"Scanlan!" Jason whispers, snapping the gnome off course. "You can tell us all about it later, but let's focus on the problem at hand," he informs him.

The Bard blinks then pulls his hand to his chin, "Oh, right." he mutters and sits down. "Mythcraver showed me the city overrun by half-giants like Grog. W-Well, normal Grog," he states.

Grog moans in defeat and drops his head, "And one super beefy dude wore these stone gauntlets that were, like, glowing." Scanlan spoke as he looked at Pike. "The Vestiges," Pike spoke as she looked up at Jason.

He huffs and looks back at the city gates, "Well, looks like those guys moved on." Grog spoke, pressing his hands to his hips and a smile on his face as the two gnomes just looked at him. "We should get back to Wilhand, you know before he starts wondering where we are," he spoke, trying to sneak away.

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