Chapter 25- So Much for the First day

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Chapter 24- So Much for the First Day

*Trisha’s POV*

After Josh had finished eating his breakfast, we both left for school. Alexis was not around anymore when we left. I think Nathan already came to pick her up. It was really amazing how fast guys could shower and get dressed. If I’m not mistaken it only took Josh around fifteen minutes to do his morning routine. He was wearing a tight, dark blue, v-neck shirt and a good pair of jeans. Josh and Nathan are two of the guys in our school who dressed as normal as they could but they still end up looking hot.

Did I just admit Josh’s hot? What was happening to me lately? The drive going to school was quiet until I decided to open the radio in Josh’s car. He didn’t seem to mind when I did that. He just smiled at me. I was happy when I heard Bruno Mars’ “Marry You”. That’s one of my favourite songs and Bruno Mars is an awesome singer! I sat there quietly trying to sing the song in my head since I don’t want Josh to hear me singing.

I was actually laughing when I tried to analyze the lyrics. Somehow, Josh and I are in the middle of an arrange marriage, and this song reminds me of our situation. I’m not saying that I want Josh to sing this song to me. Of course not! Josh and I are just friends and we just had that deal in order not to be set up by our parents to other strangers.

Although that would be cool if I could hear Josh sing. I mean, he’s not a singer. He’s more of an athlete; so hearing him sing would be priceless, but I bet Josh doesn’t like Bruno Mars’ songs. I wonder if he even knows who Bruno Mars is. After thinking about that, I think I was answered by God. Do you know why? Because this was the next thing I heard…

“It’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do…Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.” Josh sang quietly while driving. The funny part is his voice sounds great.

If I remembered correctly, the next thing I did was to burst out laughing. Josh had to stop the car because he was shocked at my sudden reaction. He looked at me confused and then he asked, “Are you alright?”

I didn’t stop laughing and I tried to answer him in between laughs, “Y-you…know..Bruno..Mars? I mean you just sang…his song!”

“So that’s why you’re laughing like this? Of course I know him. He’s popular and his songs are great.” He admitted.

I can’t believe this. JOSH LIKES BRUNO MARS!!!

“If you don’t stop laughing, I swear I’ll kiss you.” He threatened.

I immediately controlled my laughter.

“Okay. I’ll stop. It’s just hard to believe that you like him, or the fact that you know who Bruno Mars is.”

“I guess you just don’t know me too well.”

“I guess so. I’m glad you like him. I actually love his songs!” I exclaimed.

“I know. Most girls are high whenever they hear his songs. I think that was one of the reasons I got to know him. It was an effective trick to impress a girl when she found out you like Bruno Mars. Unfortunately, you were not impressed instead you just laugh like there was no tomorrow.”

“Well pardon me for laughing. I never thought you were the kind of guy to use Bruno Mars to impress girls.” I joked.

He just smiled and started the engine once again. This time, our trip to school was noisy because both of us were singing loudly.

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