Chapter Thirty Seven

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~Author's POV~

Somi got back home that evening and went straight into the shower so she'd help mama and her teenage relative, Mimi out in the kitchen.

"Aunty Chisom." A knock sounded at her door and she quickly tied her towel on her chest. "Mimi what is it?" She asked as water from her wet hair dropped on her face and body.

"Someone is here to see you."

"Tell the person to wait, I'm coming."


She creamed her body and combed out the shrinky wet hair to a voluminous state, putting on her bumshorts and big T-shirt, she went to meet her visitor.

At the parlour sitting with her grandma was Adams, even though he had his back to her, she could recognise him, his aura and rich scent was in the atmosphere and it filled up the whole sitting room.

He turned around sensing someone approaching and the adrenaline rush that took on the both of them as their eyes met could hardly be missed. Hers kept her stationary and in shock seeing him here, and his, settled on his growing member as he took in her appearance, heart thumping wildly.

The silence was awkward and mama knew that something was up with these two, so she gave an excuse of going to make dinner before leaving them.

Somi sat on the opposite couch taking in his comely appearance as he was in his casual joggers set, her anxiety growing as his eyes haven't left her ever since she came in.

He wished for her to be closer, the distance sure meant something and he didn't want to agonise himself reading into it.

"We need to talk." He finally spoke up and her heart beat doubled.

She didn't like the sound of that but thought it was the best idea to follow him out as she caught heads of her nosy relatives trying to peep at who was in fact in the parlour and trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

She went into the kitchen as he'd gone outside to tell mama that she was going outside with Adams.

He was nowhere to be found in the compound and she went outside the gate to see a Mercedes Benz CLS that he hired flash its light at her.

She walked over to it and walked into the already open passenger area.

He'd thought about what he was going to say to her all through his flight to here, geared himself up for her response and how he would take whatever she said with whatever dignity he had left.

"Are you tired?" He asked her once she settled in and a minute of silence passed. "You've been ignoring me, avoiding me and treating me like shit... Is it that I do not matter any longer? Are you scared to say it to my face and then resorted to this? Or do you just enjoy seeing me get hurt?" He turned to fully face her. "Tell me and I promise never to bother you anymore."

The hurt in his eyes and words broke her. What was she even doing? She began to question herself.

Her gaze left his and rested on her shaky hands as her chest tightened. "No," Her voice was weak and strained and her words were accompanied by an unplanned sob.

She didn't want to cry now so she quickly brushed the tears spilling off her eyes and looked away.

"Mama." He took her shaky hands in his, his voice becoming soft. "Is it the whole issue?"

She nodded vigorously. "I couldn't bear how I was feeling. I just wanted to escape everything, the memories keep haunting me and I don't know what to do or how to move on." The tears were pouring so much now. "I felt suffocated."

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