I Love You

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So this is a fic where Eddie and Buck have been dating for a couple months already and everybody knows, they keep the pda out of work but they're still all cutesy.

"Hey babyy." Buck coos walking up to Eddie and hugging him from behind.

"Hey Mi Amore." Eddie chuckles, turning his face sideways so Buck can kiss his cheek.

"Whatcha doinggg?" Bucks says digging his face into Eddies neck.

"Helping Bobby make dinner for the crew and don't try anything, we're still at work." Eddie sighs, chopping the last vegetable then turning around the face Buck instead.

"Can we cuddle on the couch?" Buck asks looking at Eddie with cow eyes (Tarlos reference).

"We can't, we're at work baby." Eddie says pulling Buck in by his waist but their moment was ruined by the bell going off.

"I'm getting my cuddles later." Buck said pointing an accusing finger into Eddies chest before running to get into the fire engine.

"You guys are so cute but sometimes you make me wanna throw up." Chim says whilst their in the fire engine on the way to the accident.

"Shut up." Both Buck and Eddie say in unison then look at each other and smile sweetly.

"So what have we got cap?" Hen asks.

"Some angry man has been dosed with something and we have to get him under control and to the hospital." Bobby says looking back.

"I can try calm him down if you really want Cap?" Buck says.

"Yeah okay, Buck you focus of calming him down." Bobby says as the fire engine come to a stop.

"Hello sir?" Buck shouts walking closer to the man who is just a bit taller than him.

"Just fuck off!!" The man shouts.

"I can't do that sir." Buck says calmly as getting closer.

"I will punch you into the floor!!" He shouts again.

"I can't leave without getting you to safety sir." Buck says again.

"I swear to fucking god!" The man shouts walking towards Buck and grabbing him by his collar.

"I'd appreciate it if you let go of me." Buck says still calmly.

"How about shut your mouth!" The man shouts before punching Buck in his face, busting him lip and giving him an already forming bruise of his eye.

"How about you, calm the fuck down!" Buck shouts before head butting the man right in his nose causing him to stumble backwards.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?" The man shouts.

"I'm Evan Buckley and I'm about to beat your ass!" Buck shouts putting his fists up.

"Oh come on short ass!" The man shouts punching Buck in his ribs, the fight went on for a little while until Buck finally had enough.

"I'm sick of this already." Buck says spitting out blood and knocking the man out. "Take him to the hospital."

"Omg Buck, are you okay?" Eddie shouts running over to Buck and hugging him tight.

"Ow ow ow ow." Buck says and Eddie immediately let's go.

"Why would you fight him!?" Eddie shouts crossing his arms.

"He hit me first, so I knocked him out so he could get transferred to the hospital." Buck shrugs spitting out blood once again before walking off.

"Evan Buckley, if you walk away from me I will make you regret it!" Eddie shouts and Buck was still mad from the fight so he took it out on Eddie.

"Or what!? What are you gonna do!?" Buck shouts walking back towards Eddie.

"I'm not gonna fight you Buck." Eddie says calmly.

"Whatever, Diaz." Buck scoffed and hopped into the fire engine, not letting anyone assess his wounds.

"Buck, can I assess your wounds when we get back?" Hen asks nicely, mostly because she's scared of Buck when he's angry.

"No." Buck says coldly as the engine pulls into the station, he gets out and immediately goes to the gym.

"Buck." Eddie begins walking into the gym.

"Don't." Buck just says putting his hand up as he starts punching the punching bag.

"You've got to talk to someone." Eddie says softly but his voice was barely heard.

"I'm not gonna burden people with my past and problems." Buck says looking Eddie in the eyes.

"Please Buck." Eddie says giving him his cow eyes which were more effective.

"Just, I'm sick of older men always trying to tell me what to do and hitting me." Buck whispered the last part.

"Buck, I love you for who you are and the only time I'll tell you what to do is when I'm punishing you." Eddie winks but still looks Buck sincerely in the eyes.

"We haven't said 'love yous' yet." Buck said looking down at the floor before punching the bag one more time then falling to the floor in pain.

"Buck!" Eddie shouts running over to Buck, lifting up his shirt to reveal a very bad looking bruise.

"I'm fine." Buck says getting up and starting punching again.

"You aren't fine and you're coming with me to Hen and getting your wounds assessed!" Eddie demands and Buck gets mad again.

"I'm fucking fine!" Buck shouts punching the bag harder and causing it to fall off.

"Buck, I'm not gonna force you to but we are always here if you need us." Eddie says a little hurt and walks out of the room.

"Why do I always mess everything up?" Buck says to himself as a single tear falls from his eyes.

Buck leaves the gym and showers before going up the stairs to Hen, "Check my wounds please." He says quietly and takes his shirt off.

"This bruise here looks really bad Buck." Hen said and Buck looks around to see that Eddie is not up here, good for him.

"Yeah the man managed to get a really good there but I'll be alright." Buck says putting his shirt back on. "I'm gonna go find Eddie."

"Alright, take it easy though." Hen says gesturing to his bruises.

"I'll be alright." Buck says walking downstairs to see Eddie shirtless in the locker room. He walks into the locker room silently and hugs Eddie from behind, slipping his fingertips into the waistband of Eddies pants.

"Hi Buck." Eddie chuckles, holding Bucks hand gently.

"I'm so sorry baby." Buck said which was muffled since he's already buried his face in Eddies neck.

"It's okay mi amore, just promise to tell me whenever something is on your mind." Eddie says kissing Bucks head and flipping around to hug him properly.

"I love you." Buck says quietly.

"I love you too baby." Eddie says wrapping his arms around his waist pulling him into the hug more.

"I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, it's just hard to say." Buck sobs quietly whilst Eddie rubs his back.

"Shh, don't be sorry and I know it's hard for you to say considering your childhood. I will always be here for you." Eddie reassures and pulls away from the hug to kiss Buck softly.

"Now can we cuddle?" Buck chuckles sadly.

"Of course sweetheart." Eddie smiles as they walk up the stairs and onto the couch to cuddle.

"I love it when you call me pet names." Buck smiles sweetly.

"Then I'll do it more darling." Eddie whispers and Buck blushes.

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