Girl time

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Amy's pov

It took some cajoling but Katie eventually agreed to come with me to the salon on Saturday. It was honestly hard not to take her reluctance to join me personally. I mean, I know she's not my biggest fan but I'm hoping her trepidation had more to do with the destination of our outing than the company she'd be keeping.

"Did you decide which design you want to do on your nails?" I asked Katie, as she looked at the sheet the salon employee gave her, full of adorable, colorful little pictures appropriate for kids.

"No," Katie replied quietly.

"Why not, honey? Don't you like any of them?" I asked, suddenly feeling anxious about my decision to bring her here. Maybe Dean was right and Katie really doesn't like this kind of thing and now she's gonna resent me for suggesting it.

"No, I like a bunch of them but uh..." Katie hesitated nervously.

"But what, sweetheart? What's the matter?"

"Daddy said not to ask you for anything that costs a lot of money," she replied shyly. "And these are all too much." Katie held up the sheet for me to see. God bless her heart, the most expensive option on there was twenty-five dollars and the majority of designs were under fifteen.

Are you freaking kidding me, I thought to myself, becoming very angry with my boyfriend. Does he really think I'm such a charity case, I can't even afford to treat his daughter to get her nails and hair done? How insulting, not to mention embarrassing. This isn't Katie's issue though so I don't want her to know how pissed off I am at her ignorant father.

"Well, your daddy doesn't really know how things work here at the salon, sweetie, so you just pick whatever design you want. Okay?" I said, plastering a smile on my face as I grit my teeth.

"I don't know," Katie replied meekly. "I don't want Daddy to be mad at me cuz then he'll spank me."

AAGGGHHH! I silently screamed in my head. I'm gonna kill, Dean. If he threatened to spank this poor child over her choice of nail polish and hairstyle, I swear I'm gonna castrate the man. How could he do something so ignorant and shortsighted? I wanted this to be a special day for Katie and I to bond and have some time together, just the two of us, but now the poor girl is so worried she's going to upset her father, she's afraid to pick out a flippin' ten dollar nail design.

"Sweetie, I promise your dad won't be upset with you for picking one of these. Ok? And he most certainly will not be spanking you over your choice of nail polish or haircut. Trust me." I'm trying to keep my anger with her father at bay but it's becoming increasingly difficult.

"Okay, Amy," she replied softly with zero conviction. Breaking my heart, she pointed to the cheapest option on the paper, a three dollar clear coat, and said, "I pick this one."

I had to turn away from her because I didn't want her to see me cry. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes before facing her again. Damn you, Dean Winchester!

"What's your second choice, sweetie? Just in case they don't have that one." I asked, trying desperately not to let the hurt and anger I was feeling permeate my voice.

With a lot of effort, I managed to convince Katie to pick out a design and base color for her nails and then later on, a few cute glittery semi-permanent highlight streaks for the braids in her hair. She looked so adorable, I only wished she had the mood to match. I don't think she's having a very good time but I can't honestly blame her. I haven't been the best company to be around since I'm so pissed off at her father.

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