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Dean's pov

"I don't recall askin' for, nor needin' your permission to be a stand-in father for your boys when both those low life pieces of shit who knocked you up took off and were nowhere to be found, little miss." Pointing his finger at her, he warned, "You best watch the tone you take with me, or I'll be happy to give you a little reminder of why you need to respect your elders. Clear?"

"Yes sir," Amy replied humbly, submissively.

Fuck, my dick just twitched. She's so goddamn sexy when she acts so passive and compliant, obedient. Shit, I turned around to adjust my growing problem before anybody noticed.

"I should be hearing thank you, not screw you. Shouldn't I, Amelia Louise?"

Amelia Louise? Huh, I didn't know that was Amy's given name, I thought to myself. That's the kind of thing her future husband should know.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Bobby. I hope you know how much I appreciate all you've done for me and the boys over the years," Amy spoke with sincerity.

"Apology accepted," Bobby stated somewhat curtly, not happy with being challenged in the first place. "You should know I love you and them boys like y'all was my own. Don't you ever question that. Hear me?"

"Yes sir," Amy replied respectfully.

"I spanked him twelve years ago," Bobby stated firmly, as he pointed to Alex. "And I think we all know this second one has been a long time coming."

"Humf," I smugly grunted in agreement. I've been thinking that since the first day I met the kid.

"I don't know what you think you're grinnin' at, Chuckles. You got no reason to be lookin' so self-satisfied," Bobby barked at me.

"Well, uh, I..." I stammered, caught off guard by his rebuke.

"You want to marry this kid's mother? That means you gotta be a father to this boy." Bobby glared at me something fierce. "Step up and be a man. Quit lettin' him walk all over you. For God's sake grow a pair, Dean. You got no problem spankin' your little girl. Why the Hell you let this boy run the house?"

Fuck, it's like getting lectured by my father all over again. What'd those two collaborate on this little takedown before Dad left? I wondered. It's bad enough I gotta hear criticism of my parenting skills from my old man, but now I gotta hear it from my girlfriend's uncle too. What the Hell? If I wasn't a little bit afraid of the guy, I'd tell him off right now.

"Bobby, believe me I tried but..."

"There is no way in Hell he's puttin' his hands on me," Alex rudely interrupted. "He's not allowed to spank me. Tell him, Mom."

"Boy, you best get your ass on up to your room before I unbuckle this belt and give the audience the encore they been screamin' for," Bobby threatened Amy's oldest, as he answered for her, moving his hands to his waist.

Seeing Bobby reach for his belt, Alex took off in a flash, scurrying up to his room in record time. Bobby must have made an indelible impression on the boy's backside for him to be that frightened of the guy.

"Uncle Bobby, please." Amy spoke softly now, turning toward him. "Can the three of us just sit down and discuss this calmly?"

"That's a great idea, baby. This discussion is long overdue in my opinion," I weighed in with my two cents, whether it was wanted or not.

"I s'pose I got a few minutes," Bobby replied, taking a seat next to Amy at the kitchen table. "Get me a beer, would ya?" he ordered, more than asked, giving me a sideways glance.

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