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Dean's pov

Amy came home from her conference a few days ago but I haven't even been able to thoroughly enjoy having my lady back yet with all the drama that's been going on at work with my new partner, Cass. I'm currently standing in my boss's office, getting reamed out for the third time this week over an error Cass made on one of his reports. Despite being pointless, for some reason I still feel the need to defend myself to Crowley.

"You saddled me with this green rookie, sir. I mean honestly, what did you expect?" I tried to plead my case despite knowing the outcome would not be in my favor.

"Do you think I want to hear your excuses, deputy?" Sheriff Crowley glared at me with his beady little eyes, just daring me to challenge him.

"Probably not," I mumbled quietly. This is a fight I know I can't win.

"DAMN RIGHT I DON'T!" Crowley shouted, slamming his hands down on his desk in frustration. "You need to get that rookie up to speed and fast. I don't care how you do it, just make it happen! Do you understand me, deputy?"

Swallowing my pride, I humbly replied, "Yes sir, I understand but how do you propose I do that?"

"Oh I don't know," Crowley replied, in a sickeningly condescending tone of voice. "How about you spend some time actually training the rube?" He spoke to me like I was a kindergartener and looked at me like I was a simpleton. "Find a way to make him learn and understand, perhaps."

"What do you suggest, sir?"

"Act it out with shadow puppets. Draw him a diagram. Stamp the training manual on his forehead so every time he looks in the mirror he has something to read, for all I care," my boss sneered his sarcastic response, delighting in my misery. "I don't give a tiny rat's ass how you do it, Winchester. Just get it done. Have I made myself perfectly clear now?"

I nodded, keeping my head lowered in deference to his position of authority over me.

"Get the Hell out of my office, deputy, and go do your damn job before I get somebody more qualified to do it for you."

"Yes sir."

"Because if that happens, Winchester, you'll pray for death over the shit assignments you'll get from me." Crowley gave me a piercing glare, making me well aware his threats were not idle in the least.

"I understand, sir, and I assure you that won't be necessary," I replied, biting my tongue to keep from unleashing on my pompous ass of a boss.

"You're dismissed, deputy," he spat with finality.

"Hi baby, what's up?" I could practically hear Amy's smile through the phone.

God, I'm so lucky to have this amazing woman in my life.

"You usually never call me from work, unless something's wrong. Oh my God, is everything okay, Dean?" she asked hurriedly, starting to panic. "Are you hurt? Is it the kids? Did one of them get hurt?"

"No, baby, nobody's hurt," I interjected, trying to stop her rapid-fire questions so she'd breathe again.

"Oh thank God," she sighed in relief for just a brief moment, before the endless barrage started again. "Wait, one of them must be in trouble then. Is it Drew? Did he get in another fight with that tall kid in his daycare that's always whining and crying about something? What's his name? You know the one I'm talking about, right? Darren or Jackson or Dillon, I think. You know, he always wears that Peppa Pig shirt that I swear is a girl's shirt designed for a toddler and the kid's like five."

"Amy," I called out, trying to get her attention and stop her infinite tangential barrage of pointless ramblings. It was no use though. Once she got started, she was in her zone and it was futile to try and stop her, so I just sighed and set the phone down, putting her on speaker so I'd know when she came up for air and I could jump back into the conversation.

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