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There is a light at the end of each tunnel, it just takes time.

Present || Leonardo 

Sitting down in the surprisingly comfortable hospital chair, my leg had a mind of its own and refused to stop shaking. Thankfully the painkillers had yet to wear off so that was a plus. Except for the fact that we were in a hospital.

Anything and everything could go wrong here.

I've been to hospitals more times then I can count and if they were to look up my medical record, they'd ask questions. Questions I don't want to answer.

Alonzo walked up to me and sighed," Come on Leo it's our turn now."

"How'd you get us an appointment so quick?" I looked at him in confusion. The waiting lists and times in hospitals were normally very long.

He smiled at me, though it didn't reach his eyes," I have my ways little brother."

Little brother.

My heart warmed at his words and I couldn't help the happy smile that broke out. 

"Come on, let's go see the doctor." He helped me up and led the way down a few corridors.

The door was already open and without knocking, Alonzo walked right in. Huffing, I trailed after him, cradling my wrist.

A man in white smiled at me, showing his pearly whites," You must be Leonardo! It's been a while hasn't it?"

My head tilted in confusion. Did this man know me?

Alonzo glared at him," Doc he doesn't remember you so don't confuse the poor boy and just take a look at his damn wrist!" He's more annoyed than I thought he would be it seems.

A cold expression replaced the doctor's happy one and he beckoned me closer to him. Looking at Alonzo, he gave me a soft smile and nodded.

If he trusts the doctor then I guess I'll have to trust him.

Walking up to the doctor and giving him my arm, he carefully unwrapped the makeshift bandage, courtesy of Alonzo's shirt and looked at my wrist.

The doctor's eyes darkened and he began to 'patch me up' as he liked to call it.

Alonzo and the doctor began talking and I couldn't help but zone out. My mind began to overthink again.

Was Matteo okay? We haven't talked in a while because I haven't been able to get hold of him. He never eats with the family and he's hardly around nowadays.

It was the same at boarding school. The first few days there, Matteo left and I was all alone. After a big fight that landed me in hospital with a broken arm, a cracked rib and two bruised eyes, Matteo finally decided to show up.

I'd say it was worth it, given that he showered me with affection. That was the first time in a long time someone showed me they cared about me. Especially a family member.

Without Matteo, life has no meaning to me.

He's my everything.

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