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He was drowning but nobody saw his struggle 

Present || Leo

Horror can't describe the feeling settling deep within me. My eyes are glued to the scene before me, unable to break away. Alonzo holds me tight in his embrace, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Shall we get out of here before things get worse?"He mumbles, pulling back slightly and staring into my eyes.

I nod wordlessly, gulping down the fear I feel when locking eyes with Derek.

Antonio tsks, snapping his fingers in front of Derek's bloodied face," Eyes on me boy, wouldn't want me to get rid of them now would you?"

Alfonzo chuckles at his words, pushing off the wall and stalking towards Derek. He flinches when Alfonzo raises his hand but doesn't move from his spot.

It's like he's paralysed with fear.

Like me when-

"I think you went too hard on him Tony," Alfonzo mocks, his hand curling around Derek's neck.

He glances at me briefly, stood as still as a statue in the bathrooms doorway, and smirks before squeezing his hand tightly, cutting off Derek's oxygen.

Derek's eyes widen in rage, clawing at Alfonzo's calloused hands, trying to break free from his grip.

Giovanni chuckles, washing his hands in my sink. How can they all act so calm? Like they didn't just take turns beating Derek to a pulp.

Both of his eyes are beginning to turn a dark shade of purple, his shirt has been ripped to shreds with a rib sticking out. Any part of his skin showing has been tainted in bruises.

Footsteps thunder towards us as Luca runs inside, panting heavily, a wooden bat in his hand. Is that why he left before Antonio started?

"Got it," He grinned, throwing the bat to Alfonzo.

He abruptly lets go of Derek, who lets out a choked gasp and breathes heavily.

"You broke his leg didn't you?" He tilts his head to the side," Such a shame, I can't seem to remember which one."

"Why don't you break both stupid?" Luca chides.

Alfonzo scowls at him but nods," Was gonna do that anyway."

He raises the bat, whilst my brothers watch, eyes wide and malicious. Alonzo tires to pull me away but I'm rooted to the ground, memories beginning to resurface.

Of helpless I used to feel.

Of how weak I was.

Of how I let them hurt me.

How long are you going to continue being pathetic? A voice whispers. It's as if a force has taken over my body, pushing me towards the scene at hand.

My eyes focus on the bat in Alfonzo's hands, not noticing the way Antonio holds Alonzo back from reaching me, his own eyes sparkling with interest.

Numbly, I reach out towards Alfonzo's arm and tap it.

He pauses midway, lowering the bat and glowers at me," You shouldn't be watching you little-"

My fingers clasp around the holding of the bat, tugging it towards my chest. His eyes widen and he scoffs, tugging it back.

I tug harder, a glare making its way onto my face.

Giovanni clears his throat, making Alfonzo scoff and take a step back.

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