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I f  y o u  l o v e  s o m e t h i n g  f i g h t  f o r  i t

Present || Leonardo

My body shook as I was forced to take in the scene before me.  Alonzo's eyes blazed with anger as he threw countless punches at Alfonzo's face. His nose was bleeding and cuts had already started forming on his lip.

What confused me was that he didn't try to fight back. Alfonzo stood in the doorway to my bathroom, broken glass and soup littering the floor. Alonzo panted heavily, shoving Alfonzo away from him.

He stumbled back and almost lost his balance before glaring at Alonzo and wiping his nose, smearing blood onto the white shirt he was wearing.

"You little shit." Alonzo sneered.

Alfonzo grimaced," I didn't know he couldn't swim."

"That doesn't make it any better!" He shouted, raising his fists again.

I whimpered, pressing myself into the cabinet, trying to make myself seem as small as possible.

Alonzo cursed under his breath and slowly walked towards me," Leo it's okay." His eyes held a sombre expression as he slowly raised his hands up in defence. 

My eyes were glued to his hands, coated with blood. Suddenly, a scene flashed through my mind. Bright lights, blurry figures and blood. Why is there so much blood?

Chest heaving, my breathing quickened. The room began to spin as I clutched my head tightly. What's happening to me?

"A-Alonzo-" I choked out.

His eyes softened and he took a small step forward causing me to let out another whimper. Droplets of blood slid down my arms like a waterfall, my cast soaked in blood.

"What's going on in here?" A voice thundered.

My body trembled as I took in the cold, calculating eyes of my father.

His jaw clenched tightly and his eyes scanned the bathroom before narrowing on me. Alfonzo looked at him, his brows raised as blood trickled down his nose.

"What're you here for dad? Did your ears finally start working?" He drawled.

What did he mean by that?

"Go to Antonio, he'll fix the two of you up." Father commanded.

Alonzo scoffed, standing closer to me, shielding my body from our father's," I'm not leaving him with you."

"Leave us Alonzo." His voice lowered, daring Alonzo with his eyes to defy him.

Alonzo hesitated, glancing at me with troubled eyes.

I shook my head," G-go."

He opened his mouth to speak but clamped it shut. Shoving past Alfonzo, he slammed my bathroom door shut. Alfonzo paid no attention to what just happened and opened the door slowly, looking back at me for a second before stumbling out the room, clutching his leg from where Alonzo had hit him with my metal towel rack.

My father took slow steps towards me, nothing in his expression gave away what he was feeling. Kneeling down, he took my arms in his strong, calloused hands and examined them.

"You cut deep eh?" He muttered.

I said nothing, the words from Alonzo's phone call ringing in my ears.

"From my understanding, he was bullied at that school you sent him to but you already knew that didn't you?"

He knew. 

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