School and the Past

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🫣 TW: Swearing 🫣

Senior year was finally starting for the two lovebirds, Steve and Eddie. Their relationship began the year before, but they only started dating this past summer. It was a relief to them to be fully out. Well, it was a relief for Eddie. It was absolutely terrifying for Steve. I mean, everyone already knew that Eddie was queer, but nobody would have suspected Steve of liking men.

"Oh god!" Steve exclaims, as he sits down in the passenger seat of his BMW.

Eddie, who was waiting for Steve in the driver's seat, turns to him, "What's wrong, babe?"

Steve sighs deeply, "I'm so fucking scared."

Eddie sympathetically pouts and sets his hand on Steve's thigh. He gives it a squeeze, as he responds, "You don't have to be so worried, love. Everyone at school is intimated by you. And plus, they're all scared of anyone in relations with the school freak. Everything is going to be fine."

Steve pouts and makes eye contact with Eddie, "I know, Eds. It's just weird to think that everyone is going to know that I'm bi."

Eddie softly chuckles, "Yeah, that is a weird feeling, but it's all going to be okay."

Steve takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

"You ready?" Eddie asks, squeezing Steve's thigh one last time.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Steve answers, a sense of nervousness still on his lips.

Eddie smiles and brings his right hand to the keys, "Let's start her up."

The engine kicks on, as Eddie turns the key. He places both hands on the wheel just after quickly kissing Steve, and they are off. Steve's BMW is quick to escape the rundown trailer lot. You might be wondering why Steve is not driving his car. The simple answer is that Steve loves being a "Passenger Princess," and Eddie loves treating him like one. On the way to school, they pick up Robin at the front of Family Video.

"The fun has arrived, bitches!" Robin announces, as she flings the car door open and sticks her head in.

Steve and Eddie chuckle, "Morning, Robbie!"

Robin plops down in the backseat and slams the door, "Let's get a move on it, gays."

Eddie rolls his eyes and pulls out of the parking spot.

"You guys ready to be a couple in front of the whole school?" Robin asks, sliding forward in her seat, so that her head was in between the two boys.

Steve sighs, "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Eddie's right hand falls onto Steve's thigh, as he responds, "Everything will be fine."

"Well duh," Robin begins, "I won't let any bullshit go down."

Steve's takes a deep breath, and it can be heard throughout the car. Robin leans back in her seat, and they pull up to the school not too long afterwards. When Eddie parks the car, Robin excitedly gets out. She is quick to get her bag and slam the door. She is very hyper from the amount of candy she had had the night before, and everyone could tell.

"Why are you so hyper, Rob?" Eddie asks, as he leans out of the car and stands up.

Robins shrugs, "I don't know. Probably from the concerningly large amount of sugar that I consumed yesterday."

Eddie rolls his eyes. Steve slowly begins to emerge from the car with sweat dripping from his scalp.

Robin hugs him, when he is fully out of the car. When they are done, Steve grabs his backpack and closes the door. Eddie, who had moved over to Steve's side of the car, grabs a hold of Steve's hand. He squeezes his hand and waits for Steve to repeat the gesture. Once he does, They turn to face the intimidating school building.

"Alrighty, let's go!" Robin exclaims loudly, as she buts her way to the front of the line.

Robin confidently walks to the front entrance to the school. Steve and Eddie walk a few inches behind her; less confidently. They didn't even make it into the school, before they felt the huge pressure of eyes glued onto them. Steve could feel butterflies in his stomach. Actually, they felt more like elephants stomping around and slamming into his lower torso. He felt his heart halt, when he made eye contact with Nancy Wheeler, his most resent ex. She looks pretty much the same, except there is a new overall aroma of jealousy swimming around her. Which was odd, because he knows that she has a new boyfriend. He doesn't really talk to her anymore, but he heard through the grape vine that she was dating the school photographer, Jonathan Byers.

"Steve, how are you doing?" Nancy's voice rings like a siren through his ears.

He comes back to reality to see Nancy, inches away from him.

"Oh, umm," He hesitates, "Good."

Nancy smiles, "I didn't know that you three were friends."

Steve suddenly remembers his boyfriend and best friend, and says, "Oh yeah. We have been for a while."

Eddie wraps his arm around Steve's waist to remind him to breath.

Robin sighs, "So, are you and Jonathan still together?"

Nancy looks at Robin, a glimpse of sadness in her eyes for a split second, "No, we broke up a while ago."

"Oh, sorry about that." Steve replies, catching Nancy attention.

Nancy shrugs, "Oh well, I must move on. Speaking of which, are you free this weekend?"

Eddie and Robin chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Nancy asks, as she looks at the long haired, metalhead and his obviously lesbian acquaintance.

Eddie glances at Steve to ask for permission, once it is granted, he answers, "It's just that, Steve and I are dating, if you couldn't tell."

Nancy's eyes widen to an extreme amount. Her mouth opens but no words come out. Robin covers her mouth to not let out a laugh.

"So, you don't really have a chance." Eddie ends his thought, amused by Nancy's reaction.

Instead of feeling like throwing up, Steve feels better than before. He guesses that he liked making Nancy upset again.

"Well, we've really got to get to class. See you around, Female Wheeler." Eddie says, as he grabs Robin and walks away with his arm still around Steve's waist.

Nancy's eyes follow them, as they walk to the main building. Before she looks away, Eddie looks back at her. He winks and then immediately faces forward to laugh with Robin and Steve.

"I guess going back to school isn't going to be completely awful." Steve says, a cheeky smile on his face. 

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