The Grand Finale (2/2)

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~ Time Skip: Two Days Later ~

Steve is sitting on the seat next to Eddie's hospital bed. He has refused to leave Eddie's side, since he carried him to the hospital two days before. Eddie's uncle is on the other side of the hospital bed, pacing back and forth. He hasn't been able to sit still, since Eddie was returned to him, alive. Dustin is also there, leaning on the window sill. The younger has been anxiously waiting for his Dungeon Master to come back to him.

After another two hours of no response from Eddie, his uncle left the room to grab a cup of coffee to get his mind off of Eddie for even a second. Steve sighs and looks down at Eddie's hand. He looks up at Dustin. When he confirms that the younger isn't looking, he interlocks his hand with Eddie's lifeless hand.

"You know," Dustin begins, grabbing Steve's attention, "I almost forgot what he last said to me."

Steve eagerly waits for the answer, his hand not leaving Eddie's.

The younger sadly smiled, "He told me to tell you that he – umm – well,"

Before Dustin could finish his thought, Steve gasps and looks down at his and Eddie's hand. The older's fingers begin to move.

"He's moving! Dustin, get the doctor!" He yells, intently watching Eddie's face for any type of movement.

Dustin quickly runs out of the room and yells for a doctor. When he returns, multiple doctors barge into the hospital room. They move Steve out of the way and examine Eddie. The device they already had connected to his head, indicates to them that there is actually movement in his brain. Eddie's uncle rushes into the room, his cup of coffee in hand. He sets the coffee down and stands on the other side of the bed, eagerly watching for movements from his nephew. There is a heavy silence that fills the room, as everyone waits for any sign of consciousness. Steve holds his breath, as he walks over to the side of the bed that Eddie's uncle is on. He furrows his eyebrows and secretly touches Eddie's hand. The second their skin touches, Eddie moves. Everyone holds their breath for more movement. When Steve's fingers begin to trace Eddie's skin, Eddie moves again, his eyes fluttering this time. He moves more until his eyes fly open again and he gasps for air. A silent praise goes through the air, as the doctors examine Eddie once more.

"What's going on?" he asks, his voice only coming out in a whisper.

"You're at the hospital, but don't worry, you are safe now." Dr. Johnson says, as she checks something on the exam screen.

"Eddie," Eddie's uncle says quietly, a tear rolling down his face at the sight of his nephew coming back to life.

"We'll give you guys a minute. But Mr. Munson, can you come with us?" the doctor announces, and Eddie's uncle leaves the hospital room.

"What happened?" Eddie asks in a low whisper.

Steve smiles, "We won."

That's the moment Eddie realizes that it is Steve standing next to him and not some random person.

"Steve?" he questions, his sight having gotten messed up from the bats.

"Yes, I'm here." he answers, intertwining his fingers with the older like before, but this time, Eddie's hand isn't lifeless.

The older holds onto Steve's hand with all of his might.

The next few days went by quickly with Steve sleeping on an extra cot the nurses had set up for him the first night there. Eddie's uncle visits everyday, and he sits on the stool next to the bed and just talks to Eddie. The metalhead doesn't always respond due to the coma slowing down his ability to speak. Dustin kept visiting every now and then with the rest of The Hellfire Club. But today was the one day Steve and Eddie were alone. Eddie's uncle got busy with work, and everyone in The Hellfire Club has school. Steve is currently talking to himself and a sleeping Eddie. He repeats over and over again about how guilty he feels for leaving Eddie and Dustin alone that night.

"This wouldn't have happened to you, if I didn't leave you two alone." Steve groans, as he paces back and forth in the hospital room.

"No." resonates through the room from the hospital bed.

Steve spins around on his toes to face the older.

"You're awake!" he exclaims, walking over to the edge of the bed.

Eddie slowly nods his head, "Yeah, and I heard that."

Steve sighs and looks at the ground, "I'm sorry for letting you two go off on your own. This shouldn't have happened to you."

"Stevie," Eddie begins, "It's not your fault. I made the – the decision."

Before Steve responds, Eddie's coughs force worry to take over his body. He quickly moves to the top of the bed and puts his hand on Eddie's chest.

"You shouldn't talk. You're still recovering." Steve states, his mom-like voice kicking in.

Eddie smiles and holds onto Steve's hand, "I'm fine, Stevie."

Steve's face lights up at the feeling of Eddie's skin on his own.

"Do you remember what I said to you before this all happened?" Eddie asks.

Steve's eyes move up to Eddie's, as he answers, "Make him pay."

Eddie smiles sadly, "I actually wanted to say something else, but I couldn't get myself to tell you."

Suddenly, Steve is transported back to two days after the incident, when Dustin said, "He told me to tell you that he – umm – well,"

"Yeah?" Steve responds, coming out of his thoughts.

Eddie sighs, "Well, I just wanted to say –"

Eddie is immediately cut off by a coughing fit, and Steve's eyebrows furrow. He quickly gives Eddie some water from the bottle sitting on the nightstand and waits patiently for the older to continue.

Eddie clears his throat, "Ugh – I don't know how to say this without creeping you out."

"Well, maybe you don't have to say it." Steve begins, "I love you too."

Eddie's eyes widen, "How did you-?"

"Am I right?" Steve exclaims, unsure of where those four words came from.

"Yes," Eddie smiles, "I love you."

Before Steve responds, Eddie pulls him into a kiss. The moment their lips meet, a spark flows through their hearts. When Steve pulls away, they both notice the huge smile on each other's face.

"Wow," Steve finally breaks the silence, "That was way better than kissing a girl."

Eddie chuckles, before grabbing the back of Steve's head and pulling him in for more.   

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