Scars & Kisses (1/2)

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🫣Major TW: Swearing, bullying, self-harm🫣

"This is what a gay pussy like you deserves!"

That phrase echoes through Steve's head, as he stares down at his thighs. Adorn his thighs are cuts upon cuts. A sad smile appears on his face, as he runs his fingers over the scars that are almost healed. The smile soon fades, when his eyes meet with the fresh cuts towards the inside of his thighs. He can't help but stand up from his position in one of the shower stalls in their school and ignore them. He slips his pair of jeans back on and pushes open the curtain. He walks over to the bathroom sinks and stares into his own eyes. The only thing he can see are emotionally drained eyes staring back at him, but to the rest of the world, they could look at him and see the dark circles under his eyes and the dry blood that dressed his bottom lip. After staring at a lifeless version of himself for long enough, he turns the water on and splashes some on his face. When he is done, he gives a quick fix to his hair and exits the locker room. He ignored the repetitive stings from his inner-thighs and greets his adoring basketball fans. The smile on his face covers the pain in his eyes, as he walks through the halls of his school. The halls are full of memories for him; memories both fawned and hated. He shakes off his thoughts, when he is face to face with Robin Buckley, his best friend.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" Robin asks, leaning against the metal locker next to her's.

Steve rolls his eyes and pulls her away from the locker. He pops it open to grab his bag, while answering, "Oh, shut it, Robin."

Robin rolls her eyes in a mocking tone and responds, "Whatever. All I need to know is whether or not you are taking me home."

"If you keep up that attitude, I'll never take you home ever again." Steve says, as he closes his locker and faces her.

Robin blinks her eyes very forcefully. In a high pitched voice, she pleads, "Oh, would you please drive me home, Stevie?"

Steve fake gags, "Never talk like that again, and I will."

Robin smiles, "Great!"

"Let's go. Eddie's probably waiting for us." Steve responds, as he begins walking away from Robin.

Robin quickly catches up to him, and they walk out to the parking lot together. Sure enough, when they get close enough to Steve's car, they see Eddie leaning on the hood. The metalhead is reading some type of comic book. It is probably one that Steve brought back from Family Video for the younger to read. Eddie finally notices them, when he hears Robin loudly talking in front of him. His eyes travel up from the book and travel over to the direction of the voice. When he sees Steve, the first thing he notices is the way Steve was walking. He was almost walking with a limp. Instead of questioning it, Eddie assumes it was some minor injury that must have occured during basketball practice.

"Took you two long enough!" Eddie exclaims, as he gives Steve a hug.

Robin immediately defends herself, "Steve took way too long in the locker room."

Before being able to respond, Steve is sent back to the scene from earlier today, only to be pulled back out by Robin grabbing his hand and dragging him to the passenger's seat.

"Can I get the key, hun?" Eddie questions, before catching the keys that Steve tosses towards him.

The three of them all slip into Steve's deep brown BMW. When they are seated, Eddie is quick to drive off. Anyone can tell by the look on his face that he is ready to go home and recharge. The car ride to Robin's house is both short and quiet.

"Alright, we're here." Eddie announces, as the car slowly rolls into park.

"Thanks, gays. See you soon!" Robin responds, before getting out of the car and waving, as they drive away.

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