Demon Sickness: Stage 2

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~~Your POV~~

You laugh as Slender and his brothers get into an all out splash war. You work your way through the water to follow the others to safety. You're not able to make a single sound when something suddenly grabs you by the ankle. You hold your breath as you try to kick at whatever is pulling you deeper and deeper into the water. You look down, barely managing to see Zalgo before darker water overtakes you. Your chest and your lungs burn as you struggle but the demon is too strong for you. Your eyes sting from the salt water, watching the light of the surface slowly disappear.

"That's it. Come over to my side," The demon chuckles in your head. "Just tell me where the mansion is and you can live."

You shake your head and gasp out when you're suddenly punched in the stomach. Water rushes to fill your lungs upon the inhale and the demon's hand clutches your ankle.

"Do as I request or you're going to float to the top a corpse!" He snarls in your head again.

Never. You're never going to do that. You will never betray your new family. They're all your world and you wouldn't have it any other way. You give an apology in your head and your eyes roll back, darkness settling upon you like a warm blanket. This was going to be it. You wish you could say goodbye to everyone. Tell them how much they mean to you. You also wanted Slender to know you've forgiven him. Let him know he was important to you as well, but life seems to have a different thing in mind.

~~Small Time Skip~~

You inhale breath and roll over on what you figure is the sand to vomit up water, gasping desperately for breath while also expelling the sea water from your lungs. When you empty it all out you slump back against the bed as you pant, looking up to see Slender above you as your cheeks burn red from embarrassment. Not the sand. You're surprised at just how happy and relieved you are to see Slender, though. It's as much of a relief as Sally is! It's weird, these feelings you're having.

"Are you alright?" Slender asks you gently.

"Not bad when I wake up to you," You tease him gently, looking around to find you're in Slender's room with his brothers and Lucifer present in the room. "What happened? I passed out...."

"We're not entirely sure ourselves. You came up just in time or else we'd have lost you. One second you're gone and then suddenly on the surface of the water. Whatever happened down there forced Zalgo to let you go," Lucifer explains. "I apologize. I wasn't paying attention."

"Me too. We shouldn't have acted like children," Slender says, flinching at your glare.

"Don't let me stop you from having fun!" You snap, your voice cracking but you refuse to let Slender get away with it. "You guys were relaxing. We all were relaxing. I know you're upset but don't keep yourself from enjoying things just because of me."

"Since he made contact with you he's moved to the next stage. You're going to be ill a while," Lucifer explains, your eyes widening in shock.

"What do you mean?!" You demand of him.

"You almost died. That means your guard was down and he imprinted on you more. The second stage is demon illness. Consists of a lot of vomiting," Lucifer explains with a grimace. "Sorry, I can't fix that."

"We'll manage," Slender assures you.

However, you don't feel assured by his words. It's bad enough you're exhausted from nightmares and adding illness to the list is just going to fuck you up more. Zalgo is taunting you. His intentions are clear. Either capture or kill you is his obvious goal. He thinks you're the weakest link but you're going to prove him wrong. You're going to protect these creatures at all costs. You'll work through the illness. How bad could it be?

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