Physical Dream

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~~Your pov~~

"Slender? Slender is that you?" You call out nervously as you make your way through the dark forest. Where are you? "Slender!"

"Awww how sweet. You seek him out now? Pathetic. Do you really think a creature like Slender could ever love you?" Zalgo's voice echoes around you. "He'll never love you."

"I don't care! Even if he never loves me I don't care. I love him and I love the creepypastas. I'm not going to let you hurt them!" You spit, crying out when a sharp pain goes through your head.

"Humans are so ridiculous with their damn righteousness. Just give up already. Aren't you hurting enough? How much more of this can you take?" Zalgo snarls appearing in front of you.

You stumble back with wide eyes but catch yourself, your heart pounding as you glare at the demon.

"You can haunt my dreams and torture me all you want. I'm not giving in!" You spit at him.

Zalgo barks with laughter, black smoke suddenly blinding you as it explodes. You cough in the smoke, clenching your eyes shut as it burns them.

"Y/N?! Y/N, where are you?!" You hear Slender's voice in the fog. "Please. Please, I need your help!"

"Slender?!" You cry out, stumbling around blindly as you try to follow his voice. "I'm coming! Where are you?!"

"S-Sally! It's Sally!" His voice chokes in a sob and you're even more desperate to find him.

You don't recognize this as a dream. Right now this feels so real you're having a hard time waking up.

"Slender?! Sally?!" You yell, crying out when something grabs your ankle and jerks so hard you're sent slamming onto the ground.

This makes the smoke disappear, Zalgo standing above a crying Slender. Sally is in his arms, covered in blood. Slender snaps his head up when you call out to him again. He sets down Sally's body and rises to his feet, Zalgo whispering something to him. You're still stuck by whatever has you as Slender slowly walks towards you.

"Please. Please help," You beg of him, looking up with teary eyes as he stands above you.

A choked gasp leaves you when he grabs you by the throat and lifts you into the air. You clutch at his wrist and struggle as his hand slowly cuts off your oxygen. He looks angry, his teeth bared as he stares down at you.

"This is all your fault. She's dead because of you," Slender hisses, your eyes going wide at his words.

"N-No! Please! I would never! Please Slender, It wasn't me!" You gasp out as tears flow hot and heavy down your cheeks.

"You left us. Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse you left. You left and now she's dead. They're all dead Y/N. All of them," Slender hisses, a gasp leaving you as all of the smoke clears to reveal the pastas covered in blood and not breathing.

"No! No I swear! I won't leave!" You sob, not even feeling pain when you're dropped but Slender. "No. Please."

"This is your fault," Slender spits, your eyes wide when he gasps and is suddenly stabbed through the chest.

His heart is being held by Zalgo's black hand, your eyes wide as you watch it beat in his hold. Zalgo jerks his hand back through Slender's chest, sending Skender crashing to the ground. Zalgo opens his mouth and swallows the heart in one gulp before appearing in front of you.

"This is what will happen if you don't tell me how to find the mansion. I will kill every last one of them and it'll be all your fault. Tell me where it is and I won't harm them. I simply need them by my side. Is that too much to ask?" Zalgo growls as he kneels in front of your crying form. "What do you choose?"

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