Chapter - 11

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A/N- i am truly sorry for being inactive for i dunno how much of time. 💔


Taehyung Pov

I'd my eyes closed but i felt concious, i'd my body awake but i felt numb, i could feel that i am ohk but i felt paralyzed. There was something unsettling feelings inside of me.

I wanted to open my eyes but i couldn't, i wanted to move my hands but i couldn't, i wanted to shout out loud for help but i couldn't.

I felt tied up, i felt paralyzed. I could feel the cold air softly kissing my skin which sent a shiver down my spine.

The surroundings were too silent but it was screaming danger. The only sound that my ears could sense out was of my own heartbeat.

The silence felt dangerous, too dangerous for me to stay in. A shaky breath unknowingly escape from my lips when I realised that i am caged.

I am tied up with something too strong to break through and free myself. I am caged somewhere that i wonder if someone could actually find me here.

My eyes were closed and blindfolded but my brain could sense that there's something bad about to happen.

I dunno where i am, who brought me here, what i did to that person and who's he. I dunno anything.

All these questions took over my mind, i felt too suffocated an unknown knot build up in my chest that's when i remember of that handsome stranger

Jungkook Pov

After kidnapping him, i brought him to my hide out far away from my own mansion. I will keep him away from whole world, away from every evil eye.

I'd weird feelings towards that petite male, he seems too different to me
There was something different about him

A monster like me can never fall in love, i was sure about it and i am sure that i had an urge of destroying him, ruining him build up into my mind.

I know his Uncle was at fault he's totally an innocent but my mind didn't allow me to leave him all alone without even playing with him.

Sighing at my own thoughts, i sat up in my king size bed while inhaling the toxic smoke oozing out from my light up cigarette.

I dunno what will i do to him his destination is still not designed by my hands, i dunno where his end will be but i am sure that his uncle will die by my hands only.

Gently yanking my head backwards i let it collide with the black matte finish painted wall.

My eyes fell close while all i inhale was the toxic smoke. I dunno but this boy didn't felt normal to me.

Since i saw him, he had a wierd control over my mind and thoughts. He made me feel like a sèx addict

I will surely ruin you up, Kim Taehyung

Sope Pov
Jeon's Mansion

It was currently 1 AM, I and Hobi was awake, we got the reports from Jungkook tho.

He caught the boy and tied him up in his hideout. I dunno how the things must be there right now.

The boy would have gained his consciousness or not? Jungkook and he had a talk or not? Is Jungkook hurting him?

Such questions slightly take a control over my thoughts that's when my eyes fell on Hobi.

His eyebrows wiggling together making him frown. He slightly seem upset to me
I didn't know how could i comfort him well cause i was never or will be never a good comforting person.

Finding myself helpless, i rest my hand on his shoulder gently drawing his attention towards me. Flashing out my gummy smile i tried to light up the atmosphere a bit which somehow felt working.

What happen, Hobi?, i asked with worried face while my hand softly caressed his shoulder.

Nothing much, Yoongs. Just feeling a bit upset , he replied while a soft sigh escape from his lips.

Slowly scooping him closer towards me inbetween my arms. I caress his hairs gently

Soon after he wrapped his hands around my torso while his eyes were closed. He slightly open his mouth in an order to continue speaking

Yoongs, Taehyung is such a sweet boy. I think he shouldn't be involved in anything that we got him into. He's really so kind and loving, it feels too wrong to trap him

His soft whispering made me smile slightly. My Hobi is such a bright and pure soul to be in Mafia Buisness

But i ain't gonna underestimate his cruelty too. Gently placing a soft peck on his forehead i continue caressing his hairs.

Don't worry, Hobi. I know that everything will be okay

Earning a soft nod from him, we continue being in this position until the sleep took over us.

Taehyung pov

Wiggling my hands aggressively i tried to keep the things on low until now i was sure that there's no one in this cage right now

All i could sense is that i am tied up on a wooden chair, i didn't even know that how my surroundings looks alike.

I need to escape, i need to get this blindfold and rope off from me first
I can't give up, I won't give up

I continue wiggling that's when i heard the footsteps thudding loudly across the nearby area .

Someone is coming towards my direction
Realising, my breath hitched

Oh no, i need to do something. Believing on me i choose to act unconscious rather than being violent right now.

Yanking my head sideways like it was before, i stopped my moments and starts to act unconscious like i was

That's when the door opened with a loud creak sound.

The chapter should have been longer?

Ig it's the last fluff chapter, i dunno-

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