Fingering her

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Eve's POV

I didn’t  know that drinking a Martini could be so sexy until I met this stranger. He placed his lips on the edge of the glass, his eyes never leaving mine as he downed every drop of the liquid. Sticking his tongue out to lick the side of his glass where his lips had been, I felt a strange tremor fill me.

All I wanted at that moment was to be that glass. It was like I was caught in a trance and the only thing I could see were him and his lips. It felt like we were in a different world.

“Ah,this is my favorite song.Would you like to dance?” He was already dragging me out of my seat, letting me know that I didn't have a choice.

I was very shy when it came to dancing in front of people, so much so that I didn't even dance in front of Tom and it was one of the things he complained bitterly about. He said that’s why he never invited me to any function with him but I knew it was just a lame excuse.

Tonight, the story was going to be different. As Golden stared into my eyes and pulled me close to him, the flashing disco bulb that hung above seemed to make me feel dizzy and somewhat intoxicated.

Before long, my body started swaying to the rhythm of the music and it was like I became possessed. Every fear that I had ever felt left me and I felt free. Golden didn’t move nor did he say anything.

He didn’t have to, the heat that emanated off his body was enough to arouse me even more and I felt myself getting more wet as I turned around and began to grind against him.

Thankfully, I had opted to wear a thin silk dress and this way, the very thin layers that were between us weren’t helping matters. His large hand gripped my waist and pressed my back side close to him. That was when I felt his cock bulge but that didn’t stop me.

If anything, it urged me on and I placed my palm around his neck and slid down his body and as soon as I felt his hand on me again, I slowly slid up, making sure that my ass made as much contact as it could. I doubt I even knew the song that was playing but  didn’t care.

"What is your name, sexy?" His deep sexy baritone
made me gulp hard as I responded to him "Eve. I am Eve."

He buried his face in my neck and one of his hands left my waist and made its way to my thighs.
Just when I thought he was going to stop there, he proceeded to my inner thighs and goosebumps lined my skin as he trained his finger up towards my wetness.

Thankfully, I wasn't wearing any panties. A smile curved on my lips at the thought of it. He obviously didn’t care about the crowd of people that surrounded us nor did he care that we may be seen and I think that added to the thrill of the moment.

His index finger found its way into my pussy folds and he started to gently caress. I closed my eyes as the pleasure from his touch filled my body with warmth.

My breathing turned ragged as I moaned out in pressure. Sealing my lips tight to suppress a moan, I leaned into him. Our hips pressed together and I could hear his grunt of satisfaction.  

“Seems like you came prepared. I didn’t even have to touch you and you were so wet for me. You want it, don't you?" His hot breath caressed my ear as I found myself wanting to be enveloped in that voice.

“Yes" I panted “Yes I want it."

I didn't care how shameless that sounded. I didn't care about anything tonight. All I wanted was  to feel something, anything.

“By the time I'm done with you, you'd doubt if you have legs but you'll still be begging me for more because you want this dick, don't you? You want it so bad because you're a whore, aren't you?"

I could feel that my wetness gas extended between my thighs and I clenched them hard to suppress the pressure I was feeling. Everything in me wanted to say yes because my body agreed with him. If he asked to take me on the dance floor, I wouldn't object for a moment.

But I wanted to be defiant, I disobeyed him, to make this more fun because I knew from his tone that he was dominant. Men like him loved power.

“No, I don't." I turned around to look at him and I wrapped my hands around his neck, making sure to caress the tender skin behind his ear and neck as I worked my fingers into his hair and tugged on it.

I used the opportunity to bring his head closer and staring into his eyes with our lips just inches from each other, I whispered,

“I don't want you" I slid one hand slowly down his chest till it reached his bulge that felt like it was going to burst free any time soon "Or any other part of you."

He held eye contact for a second more before looking away and giving me a full smile. A laugh actually.

“You suck." His voice sounded deeper, huskier.

I cocked my head to the side.
“Yes I do. Wanna see how good I am?"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I bit my tongue, wondering where the hell that had come from. I had misinterpreted him.

His pupils dilated and the way he looked at me scared me but in a good way. He looked at me in a way that told me that I was asking for it and I was going to get it.

I wanted it… badly.

With darkened eyes and a clenched jaw, he circled his hand tight around my wrist. “Come show me how good you are. "

** ** **

Adam has a way with words! Team Adam all the way😉
Thank you for sticking with me so far, dearest readers!🥰 I loveeee you so much!
Stick with me for the journey is far😅

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