In deep trouble

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Eve's POV

I was terrified.

That was an understatement. I literally trembled as I walked into the hotel. The receptionist arched a fine brow at me. I didn't wait for her to speak however. I was too deep in trouble to worry about that look on her face. Who I had to worry about was above the stairs, in our hotel room. .

My breathing became quick and harsh as I climbed up the flight of stairs. Wringing my hands together, I tried to rack my head for excuses.

For things to say. Anything to calm Tom down. If he tried to beat me up in front of everyone in the hotel, everything  we had both worked for over the years would be dashed to pieces.

I recognized that.
But Tom? When Tom got into his fit of rage, he was impossible to reason with.

"Stupid, stupid," I whispered to myself, shakily reaching for the door.

My hands had barely settled on the handle when it twisted and the door opened.

My husband's livid face came into view. His eyes flashed as he took me in and a grin split his lips.

"Well if it isn't my lost wife,"

"T-Tom," I stuttered, every part of me shaking in fear. The look on his face sent chills down my spine.

He stepped aside and gestured with his head. "Get in, Eve,"

I glanced at the room behind him then back at him, shaking my head. I knew I had come all the way there to appease him. But now that I was here, looking into that menacing look on his face, I didn't want to get in. I didn't want to lay a foot inside that room.

"Get the hell inside, right fucking now!" He bellowed.

"Tom, please.. listen-"

A loud thwack landed against my face and pain shot up into my head, radiating to all sides of my face. A loud ringing sound filled my ears and for a long minute I couldn't feel shit. When I eventually opened my eyes, I was being dragged into the hotel room.

"Tom!" I cried, wincing , when a sudden pain struck the corner of my mouth. He must have cut my lips when he slapped me.

"Where were you, you bitch!" He roared, throwing me against the wall.

I groaned in pain and tried to stand on my feet. I watched in fear as he bolted the door shut and turned to me, the maniacal grin on his face. His hands moved the sleeves of his shirt up as he glared at me.

"I am going to ask again, Eve," He said with a fake chuckle. "Where the fuck were you?"

"I was out," I hiccuped, terrified at the way he loomed closer. "I-I went out Tom,"

"Out where? You lying whore!" He hissed, grabbing my hair forcefully and pulled it back. My temples felt like they would explode from the pull. If I didn't stop Tom soon, he really would beat the shit out of me.

"I just wanted some air."

"Liar!" He spat, throwing a hand against my cheek again. I cried at the hit and slid to the ground. "Get the fuck up!"

Tom grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up, forcing me to look at him. "You're all dressed like a damned slut and you fucking expect me to think you went out for air?! What the fuck Eve?!"

"I swear that's all," I cried, trying to break away from his hold. "Please Tom, Please!"

"Shut the hell up!" He hissed, tossing another slap on the side of my face. "Air my fucking foot! You were out cheating on me, you whore!"

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