Naughty Eve

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Eve's POV

I was a mess. A shuddering mess. A soft moan slipped from my lips as I dropped my hips down to the bed, reeling from my orgasm.

Oh fuck that had been so good. And to think he hadn't even fucked me yet. My body hummed, sated with pleasure yet desiring more.

Damn I was being such a whore.

I tried opening my eyes, wondering where Golden was. I ought to ask him his name. It had taken everything in me not to scream his name as I came.

My vision was blurry at first. I blinked a few times to see Golden stand in my line of sight, picking something on his shelf. It was a small weird device that had a knobby end and a slim one as well. I frowned as he approached me with it, his face Stony as always. However his eyes gleamed with excitement and it did naughty things to me.

I could feel my pussy throb. Could feel myself ache terribly, needing him more than ever.

"Your pussy's all clenched and taut," He said darkly, slipping behind me. I turned to look at him over my shoulder, a position I was quickly starting to realize he loved.

Gosh, he looked so sexy.

His gray eyes had a red glow in them, probably from the red light. His chest gleamed sexily, the tattoos rippling along with the movement of his muscles. I imagined humping those sexy forearms and felt myself get wetter. Oh fuck, I was such a slut.

His slut.

He let out a low growl And I yelped in surprise when he spanked me.

"Who gave you permission to think naughty things?!" He demanded, slapping my ass faster, in quick successions.

Oh fuck yes! I had to have crossed the line of depravity. I fucking loved it. I loved the pain that coursed through my veins, and ran along my skin making my pussy throb.

"Apologize!" He roared, flipping me over so that I laid on my back and spanked my swollen pussy. That sent a jolt right through me and I screamed.

"Oh fuck!" I cried, closing my thighs.

Golden's hands reached for them and yanked them apart before delivering another slap on my hot twitching cunt.

Oh fuck me! That was good. So good. Too fucking good.

"Are you sorry?!" He hissed, slapping my pussy again.

"Yes...nghhh! Yes I'm sorry!" I screamed. He was relentless. Pushing my thighs up until they were on either side of my face, he delivered another spank. "Hold them!"

I panted, wrapping my arms around my thighs to keep them up, trying to steady my breathing. Golden's hands were hard and rough. They found my pussy and pinched it, driving me fucking nuts. My grip on my thighs loosened and he slapped my pussy in warning..

I squealed at the painful pleasure and held on to it tighter. Oh fuck. This was thrilling. So damned thrilling.

"Watch me!" He barked, raising the large knobby device up for me to see.

As if I could look away.

He looked so damned powerful, standing above me with those yummy shoulders flexed. Despite the unaffected look on his face, I could see the tent  in his pants and knew he was aroused. I consider teasing him with my legs.  But here, right here, I was totally at his mercy, under his control and I loved it.

"Here's what will happen, Eve," He explained, toying with the toy in his hands, a sinister look  on his face. "Would you like to know?"

"Yes," I purred, licking my lips.

"So fucking naughty," He grunted, lowering the device to my pussy. "I'll have to teach that dirty mouth a lesson, won't I?"


"Yes sir, Eve. You will address me as sir!"



He slipped the large knob deep into cunt and held it in place. I could feel my walls twitching trying to shove it back out, clamping around the toy but Golden forced it right back in.

"Uhhh yesss," I moaned, throwing my head back in desire. My arms weakened around me and for that I got a very deliberate slap right above the hood of my clit. A scream tore through me as I shuddered and quivered, crying desperately at the feeling.

"Hold those thighs, Eve,"  He ordered, his gaze stern. "Here's what is going to happen,"

It was damned hard to listen while my pussy was filled out with a toy and my brain was drunk on pleasure.

"I'll be leaving this inside your pussy," he continued explaining. "You're going to keep those thighs up and you will by no means come, unless I tell you to."

My eyes widened as I processed his explanation. I couldn't come unless he allowed me? Oh hell that was going to fucking hard. I was already so damned close to coming. I really wanted to!

"Understand me, Eve?" He asked,.giving my pussy one last stroke. "If you come without my permission, I'll walk out that door and it'll be over,"

"No," I cried in protest. "No, please. I'll be good,"

"Good girl," He hummed and stepped away.

My arms tightened around my thighs as I tried to breathe steadily. All I had to do was not cum unless he wanted me to right? As long as he left the toy in my pussy and didn't do a thing, then I should be fine-

Golden stared at me, his gray eyes hooded and a grin played on his lips. He raised a remote control I hadn't noticed in his hands before and pressed down on a button.

"Oh FUCK!" I screamed, throwing my head back as pleasure rammed through me.

The knob in my pussy vibrated at a very high frequency, shocking me and sending shock waves through my pussy. It was intense. Oh my gosh, too damned intense.

My hips buckled as Golden cranked up the frequency a little higher each time. I sobbed, cried, struggling to hold on to my shaky thighs . My stomach fluttered with a familiar feeling and I screamed.

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Happy Weekend dear readers🥰

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