XIX: The Curse of Clye

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"You haven't changed at all, fairy." The blonde haired man said. My eyes widened at the sudden realization of who this man is.

How can I be stupid?

"Luca?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded. He looked different, he may not look as how I made him to be in my book but he's getting there.

"My feelings are hurt that you did not even recognize me." He jokingly said.

"Who would've? Where's the thin like a twig kid I know?" I exclaimed. He just laughed.

"My lady." Noelle called me and gave me back my cloak to where, though I felt really hot because of exhaustion, she insisted that I wear it.

"I'll be going now then." I bid my farewell to Luca who bowed. Cyn started to follow me.

"What do you want?" I asked as he followed me like a duckling to it's mother duck.

"You know him?" He asked.


"You're not going to be biased about this right?" He asked, I stopped walking and so does he.

"Listen, your majesty. I won't marry you and I won't marry him either." I said as I looked directly into his golden eyes to show how serious I am.

His eyes darkened, emotionless, rather. His lips pressed into thin line. I'll admit that he looks pretty intimidating but I am smart enough to hide it.

"This isn't a request anymore, Lady Gleis. This is a command." He said, his gaze not leaving me.

"Who are you to order me around?" The atmosphere around us were thick, I motioned Noelle to leave us alone.

"I am the future Emperor of this Empire." He declared.

"If you are the future Emperor of this empire, why do you need my help to strengthen your call on that silly little throne?" I said, smirking in the process.

"Are you really naive to believe that I need your help for assurance to ascend the throne?" He said, he seemed confident of himself.

"You are mine, Serena." He said as he showed me a glass like ring with a crimson stone in the middle.

I am sure that confusion is obvious in my face, as I don't have any idea what the hell is he talking about.

"You are mine, we are destined to be together." He said, making me more confused. There's no such thing in the book, the Prince have little to no interest with Serena. As he loved the heroine, so dearly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The Curse of Clye." He sighed. His eyes aren't as emotionless as before.

"What is it?"

"Lets find somewhere.... quiet to talk." He said, looking at our surroundings.  I don't know if I can trust him but I am too curious about what he is babbling about.

We walked to the garden and sat near the fountain, no guests is allowed to be here as this is a part of my chamber so anyone who'll go here shall have my permission.

"Speak." I ordered.

Within the pages of fate, a prophecy unfolds,
the eighteenth heir, destiny foretold.
The golden throne's curse upon their shoulders lie,
With the last blood of Clye, may bound to die.

Reborn to finish what has left behind,
In the cycle of destiny, their souls shall become one,
The string of fate binds, no escape in sight,
to sever it risk an eternal night.”

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