XLIII: Fuck, I am Drunk.

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Goosebumps immediately traveled my whole body. I unconsciously stopped on my tracks, unable to move. I only know one person who calls someone his fairy.

“Pardon my manners, my Lady. I am Luca of house Draux of Bluistain.” He politely introduced himself, he held my hand and gently planted a kiss on it.  It's only been months since I last saw him on the forest, the day Serena died.

He looked so much different, his long blonde locks were cut short. It was slicked back neatly unlike his hair before which was always tied in a messy ponytail. He also lost a lot of weight, his eyes were dull as if he's nothing but an empty shell. The thing that most shocked me was him introducing himself as one of Draux instead of being the General of the Knights of Bluistain like he always do.

“Are you okay, Lady Rena?” He asked. I cleared my throat, still unable to find words nor the courage to talk to the very man I swore to not cross paths with  ever again.

“I'm alright, nice to meet you Sir Luca.” I said, I do not know if my acting skills were convincing enough but I sure do hope so. What is he doing in Yeoris anyway?

He escorted me back to the place I was standing, the music died down already so everyone dancing get back to their respective places, as well as Az and Salem who's currently chatting.

“Do you want to greet the Princess?” He asked as he caught me looking at Azrael and Salem. I just shook my head as an answer. My mission here is complete so I don't want to do anything but to ran away from Luca.

“How about fresh air?” He asked as he pointed to the empty balcony not to far away from the hall. I could use some fresh air but I do not want to be with him, just knowing that he is at the same place as me is nerve-wracking.

“No, thanks my Lord. I am good here.” I politely declined. He did not answer but he stayed by my side. The silence were awkward, the only thing that I can hear was the endless chatter of the random people, some of them are still about the tears of Cerce which is good, at least.

“Excuse me?” A lady in a yellow dress tapped me on the shoulder, both mine and Luca's attention was turned to the girl.

“Your headpiece are really beautiful, may I ask where did you get it from?” She asked, her eyes were fixed on the butterflies I had on my hair.

“It's actually from overseas. From my hometown.” I replied, giving her a warm smile.

“Is there a shop there or something that you know, we can buy one?” She asked.

“Hmm, I am not really sure. As the stones that was used to make this jewelries can only found on our land.” I explained, her expression shift into disappointment. “How I wish it could be purchased here in Yeoris.” she replied.

I can't help but to smirk. I chose the right empire to start with. Sooner of later the demand for this unknown stone will be skyrocketing, given that tears of cerce can only be found in Clye will make us the only and the primary source of it.

“Yes, I feel the same way. If only we could do something about it.” I said, faking it. This girl seems to be a child of one of the nobility but I don't think she can help with regards to my agenda here.

“I think, I could do something.” Luca suddenly joined in our conversation, I completely forgot that he's still here, I thought he left already.

“Really?” The lady asked and held Luca's arms, he gently removed the Lady's hands on him.

“I've got a meeting with the Yeoris' tomorrow. Given that the Tears of Cerce will be a good investment for Yeoris, I could definitely let you join in.” He said, looking directly into me.

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