XXI: The Return

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"Lady Serena Gleis has arrived!" someone yelled and the huge doors of the Gleis Manor opened, revealing an extravagant designed event hall.

There's a lot of people of high position present in the crowd. I walked on the crimson carpet, through the crowd. All eyes are on me and I don't believe it's admiration, it's pure of judgements and hatred.

As I reached the end of the hall, I bowed to the Duke who's sitting in a throne-like chair in the podium.  He looked at me with emotionless eyes, just like how he used to look at me when he's under the Duchess' black magic.

I walked up to the podium and faced the crowd. They are all complete strangers. I looked around and saw familiar faces among them.

There's Emyr, who's standing in the corner, looking at me with the same emotionless eyes like the Duke and Caspian, oh how much he grew. I gave him a smile but he just looked away.

"I am thankful for everyone's time. Please enjoy the banquet." The Duke announced and left the hall.

"Fa—" I tried calling him but he turned his back on me on an instant.

The chatters filled the hall, the band already started playing and the servers are busy now trying to accommodate everyone. I felt relieved knowing that no attention is on me. I walked towards the area where Caspian and Emyr stood.

"Cas." I called. He just looked at me.

"I—I missed you. Thank you for coming." I tried starting a conversation but he just nodded and turned away.

I felt my eyes well up, I tried my best to stop myself from crying. I would understand if everyone hated me again but not Caspian.

"Cas, please. What did I do wrong?" I asked, almost begging him to talk to me. He just looked at me, dead in the eye, without uttering a single word. That's when I knew, the little brother I have is gone.

He started walking away so I grabbed his hands and on an instant, he brushed it off. "Stop trying. I do not have a sister." He said.

I heard my world shatter.

He left and went to talk to a group of people I do not know. I was left there standing, like a fool. I wanted to bawl my eyes out but I had to hold it all in.

I went to a corner and stand there. Deep in my thoughts. Everyone looked like they are enjoying talking with each other.

"Serena?" A familiar voice called me. I looked up and saw Zion, smiling. This is the first time I have seen him since we left the palace years ago.

"Hey." I weakly replied.

"Happy Birthday." He greeted. I just mouthed a thank you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, though he isn't the young Zion, the Zion I once knew is still there. That's a relief.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking. Are you with Saoirse? How are you?" I asked. It's been so long since I have a conversation with someone.

"I actually came with Liese." He said and pointed to the grown-up princess who's currently talking with Caspian.  "Saoirse cannot go as she had prior commitment in Wellington, I apologize." He added.

"I'm happy for you." I meant it. He seemed to be doing great.

The music in the hall changed to a more slow and romantic type of music so a lot of people came forward and danced in the center.

"Would you like to—"  Zion was interrupted by Cyn who just came between us.

"Sorry brother but I will be the first dance of the lady here." He said, smiling. Zion looked at me then back to his brother. "Okay, go on. Have fun, you two." he said and went back to the crowd.

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