Chapter 6-Whatever

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I huffed as I waited patiently in the principal's office, staring at the wall. I was still a bit infuriated. I was used to being in the principal's office because I got into fights a lot. And I mean A LOT.

I heard the door handle click and watched as the principal came in. I let my eyes follow him as he strided over behind his desk.

"Alright..." he said. He looked at me. "Um Jake, do me a favor. sit in the chair over there in the corner. I don't need you lashin' out on me."

I rolled my eyes and moved to the chair in the corner. He plopped down onto his chair and fixed his name tag on his desk that read 'Mr. Smith'. He cleared his throat and folded his hands.

"I'm disappointed in you," he said in a deep firm voice.

"Sir, it wasn't mah fault," I said, glaring at him.

"Trixie told me everything along with other witnesses."

"So you trust her words over mine?"

"Yes. I know you. You can't fool me."

I scoffed. "You should be questionin' Chase. He's the reason why ah'm in here."

"I would watch that tone of yours if i were you. And no, you are here because of that horrible incident you had caused in the hallway.

Something inside me almost snapped.

"Well maybe if he hadn't disrespected mah friend, that wouldn't have happened."

Mr. Smith didn't answer. He pulled out some papers and started writing something. I just sat there with my arms resting on the arms of the chair as my hands gripped them. Intrusive thoughts crept into my mind. The image of me leaping over his desk and strangling him to death. The image of me shifting into my wolf again in his office. A devilish grin stretched across my face, but immediately went back into a scowl as Mr. Smith looked up at me.

"So, tell me what actually happened since you think it wasn't your fault."

"Ah thought you said-"

"Just tell me," he interrupted me, rubbing his hand on his chin, leaning into his chair.

I huffed and began telling him everything from start to finish. Mr. Smith listened attentively. One thing I left out was that Chase slapped Lulu.

"Just so you know, I will be questioning Chase. Also, I think you left something out."


"I was told that Chase slapped Lulu, but Emma told me otherwise."

"Since when do you listen to what Emma says?" I said as I folded my arms.

"She was a witness. It's my job to ask."

I sneered. "But she's a b-"

"Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh," he interrupted, putting his hand up. "I don't need to hear it."

For the next several minutes, I just sat there in silence. I honestly was ready to go home. I just stared into the abyss as Mr. Smith rustled through paperwork and occasionally glanced at me.

'How is he not afraid of me? How he know dat ah won't just' pounce on him?'

I started fidgeting with the chair. "How long am ah gonna be in here?"

He didn't answer. After a minute, he spoke. "So, you will be suspended for two weeks."

"What?!" I shouted. I stood up, my arms unfolding themselves.

"Sit. Down," he sternly said, eyes glaring at me.

I folded my arms. "No."

I should've been ashamed of myself for talking to the principal like that. I was just a stubborn teenage boy. A boy with problems.

Mr. Smith sighed and took a sip from his white coffee mug that had big black letters on it. It had his name on it.

"School will be shut down for a week. You will be back two weeks after. You put someone in condition," he told me. "Do you know how many fights you been in?"

I shook my head.

"21 fights in total. And you know who started it? You. For at least 80% of the time.'

"Ah doubt that."

"Of course you do. You're lucky I didn't expel you after that shit you pulled."

"Ah have a question. Is Chase suspended as well?"

"What do you think? Of course he is, but you should've been the bigger person and walked away."

"Seriously? How was ah supposed to walk away from dat?!" I raised my voice, clenching my fists.

"I suggest you get out of my office before I add another week." I grumbled and started getting my things. "Lucky I'm disregarding your identity."

I left quickly, fuming. After I got home, my aunt, Mellissa, who I moved in with over the summer, was waiting for me by the stairwell as soon as I walked in. She was giving me an icy stare and to be honest, it was a bit scary.

"Whut's wrong wid you?" I asked, trying to be oblivious.

"You know whut's wrong. Ah got uh phone call 'bout you being suspended for 2 weeks. You got into uh fight again and exposed your identity in front of school!" Mellissa shouted angrily. "Even worse, you put someone in the hospital."

I shrugged. "So."

"So? Really? That's all you have to say?"

"Yeah. Ah don't care. Ah'm goin' upstairs," I said, walking past her, going up the stairs.

I was incredibly annoyed. I wanted to be alone. I had a strange history of being disrespectful to her and my mother. I was definitely a good kid. Good grades and everything. My behavior was just a problem. I was easily ticked off by a lot of things.

"No you will not!" Mellissa's angry voice bellowed. She grabbed my wrist, almost pulling me backwards.

"Let go of me!" I growled, yanking my arm away, but her grip only became tighter.

"You were supposed to keep yo' identity a secret!"

I turned my head towards her. "Why should I? Mah brother and mah so-called dad already knows where ah am!"

A bunch of more heated shouts were exchanged.

"You know what, you're grounded."

I scoffed. "Whatever. You should've gave me back to mah mom."

Mellissa sighed. She told me that I couldn't go back to my mom and that she couldn't tell me the reason why. All of a sudden, she had me following her up the stairs to bring me to the attic.

Running From the Dark | Double Lives Series | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now