Chapter 12-Valentines Birthday/ Winter Formal Part 1

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Warning: Language

"So nice to see you again, twin."

"No. You can't be here."

"I have been in the shadows too long. It's about time ah show my face around here. Besides it's our birthday," Jacobe said as he gave me an evil smirk. He leaned over and whispered, "Dad would be happy to see you."

I jolted awake after hearing my alarm clock. I groaned and shifted around. I reached my hand onto my alarm clock and pushed it onto the floor, making it shut up. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Happy birthday Jake!" Riley and Hellen exclaimed in unison as they bursted into my room.

"Guys, ah jus' woke up."

"You should be happy right now," Riley said.

"And in love," Hellen giggled as she cupped her cheeks.

"Love," I snickered.

"Yeah love. Aren't you Lulu's boyfriend?" Riley asked, folding her arms.


"Then you should be excited."

"Yeah ah will be after ah fully wake up."

"Okay," Riley replied.

"Now get out so ah can change."

They both skipped out of my room, giggling. I got out of bed and slowly walked to my bathroom. I leaned over the sink with my hands, looking in the mirror. This time, my eyes were its normal color, icy blue. I examined my torso, noticing that I appeared more slimmer. I wasn't skinny as a stick figure, but slim.

I grabbed a hair razor and trimmed away some of my loose hair. My hair grew–a lot since I had last cut it, which was a month ago. I ended up breaking the corners of the sink ledge by gripping it as I fixed the rug on the floor.

'Pfft. We're rich, we can fix it.'

"Happy birthday bro!" Mike exclaimed, putting his arm around me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"You're finally 15."

"Yeah so."

"So do you feel any different?"

"No, not really."

"Really? Well whut 'bout your voice? It sounds deeper than usual."


'Oh wow. My voice is deep.'

"By the way, when are you gonna get out of your emo phase? You've been like that since we were 13," Mike said as he stood in front of me, referencing my clothes. I loved my style. I mean I did look like a rebellious teenager even though I wasn't rebellious at that point and time.

"Ah don't know," I replied.

We started to hear squealing coming from behind us. We turned our heads to see Lulu and Izabella walking towards us, laughing about something.

"Hey girls. What y'all excited about?" Mike asked, greeting them joyfully.

"Lulu was picked to perform at the winter formal tonight," Izabella beamed.

'Crap. I forgot about that.'

"You never told me you were practicing for that," I said.

Lulu giggled nervously. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

I hugged her softly. "Ah'm so proud of you. What are you dancing to?"

"Umm ah'm dancing to "Pon de Replay" by Rihanna."

Running From the Dark | Double Lives Series | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now