Cɦɑpteɾ 6

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♪ I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain ♪

Natalie Beaufoy POV

I was asked to be present at all the races, which I complied with, I always liked traveling and I could do it while the company paid for it so why not? I agreed and followed them to Miami, my two days off were spent around the city. Max actually won in Miami, it was the first Red Bull win of the year but Charles and Carlos were both on the podium which was still good for the team.

I was back at the airport on Monday morning so I could be back to Monaco, I wanted to be with my dad for my days off, my days off go from 2 to 3 a week, depending on how many hours I do, and this week I am off until Wednesday. I can't complain. I was listening to music as I waited for my flight when I felt a hand touching my knee. I looked away from my phone and saw Lucas interestedly looking at me.

"Look who it is! I barely saw you this weekend. How are you doing? Any new phone numbers?" I ask excitedly as I take my earphones out and he giggles as he shakes his head.

"Natalie! I hadn't seen you. Are you going to Spain already?" He asks curiously.

"No, I am off until Wednesday so I am going to Monaco to see my dad," I answer as I shuffle the little one's hair, which he quickly tries to straighten while his dad watches us.

"You could come with us, we are going with Max to Monaco too. It's quicker when there is no stop," Charles suggests and I see Max appearing a few seconds later.

"We have available space," Max says nonchalantly, I guess he was close by.

"No, I don't mean to intrude, you still count as my boss," I answer politely when, in reality, I wish I could just say yes. Saving hours in a stupid stop? Yes, please!

"And you are still the only person who can get along with my son so I don't see the intrusion, he seems to be the one who always intrudes in your personal space," Charles retorts as he smiles when he sees how Lucas tries to see my manicures nails.

"Come on, he is not your boss, he is a colleague," Max says with a comforting smile and I take a deep breath before nodding. What's the worst that can happen?

Charles insisted on carrying my suitcase since Lucas wanted to hold my hand, I guess he liked my new color, red really looked good. I wear red most of the week, might as well paint them red once in a while.

I entered the private plane and I have to admit, this is just gorgeous. And it's even more comfortable than the business class of most planes. Max is actually a very funny person, and Lucas still managed to only laugh or smile when I answered Max's jokes.

We had some conversations, mostly about whether I liked the job, Charles told me to talk to him if I needed something, he is generally a good man, which makes me wonder why Lucas doesn't seem to have a present mom.

Looks aren't all but Charles Leclerc is definitely gorgeous, and he has a nice personality so I really am lost on this one. I will have to use my experience and assume that the woman was the problem on this one, just like my mom was.

Suddenly, halfway into the flight, Lucas got up and stood by the empty seat by my side and looked up at me with a wondering eye. Charles stopped what he was doing, as he always did whenever Lucas moved, he loves his son.

"Are you waiting for an invitation? I thought we were past that. I mean, you do have my number, not many men can say that," I joke and he smiles before sitting in that place. "So, do you like being touched or that is a no too? Just testing the waters so no boundaries are crossed, you seem like you would know your boundaries."

He shrugged and I guess he was thinking of hugs or whatever. A few minutes later, I saw him leaning on the armrest that divided us. If he fell asleep, that would certainly hurt him, so I lifted it, and he looked up at me doubtful.

"I won't bite unless you ask me to," I joke and he gives me one more shy smile before leaning and laying his little head on my thigh.

I think it was instinct, but I started touching his hair and running my hand through it. He didn't move, he seemed like he was even scared to breathe and I once in a while caressed his cheek and he relaxed.

He relaxed so much that he fell asleep. I kept my eyes on my iPad as I finished the second book of the flight. I finally put it down and looked to where Max and Charles were, Max was deep in sleep and Charles was looking at where his son was.

"I am so sorry, am I crossing a line? I really think I am," I say nervously, I guess I took him out of his state because he seemed startled once he heard my voice.

"No. God, no! I never saw him like that, he was never a kid who liked being hugged, picked up, or snuggled. He was always very independent. I tried it all but he never seemed to bond with anyone. He only lets me hold his hand because he fears getting lost," Charles explained and I listened carefully.

"What about his mom? If that's something you want to talk about?" I ask curiously and he takes a deep breath.

"We still have time, are you sure you want to hear it?" He asks and I nod, I am now fully interested in what happened.

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