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♬ Love to think you'll never forget
Handprints in wet cement
Adorned with smoke on my clothes ♬

Natalie Beaufoy POV

Lucas made it a point to be with the grown-ups as we were in the living room talking. He wanted to stay awake until midnight so he would be the first to congratulate me, but he fell asleep on my legs as I was talking to Pascale and Carla on the couch. I didn't dare to wake him up, and I saw my dad approaching us.

"Kid, there's a minute left to midnight," he says as he gently wakes him up and I give him a reprimanding look but he shakes his head.

"A minute?" he asks as he sits down, quickly opening the backpack he always carries.

"He would be sad if he wasn't the first one," he whispers before taking a step back. The clock hits midnight, and Lucas hands me a handmade book.

"Happy birthday!" He says excitedly, and I smile widely.

"You sure were the first one, uh? Is this for me, baby?" I asked as I tried to contain my eagerness to read it. I knew everyone was watching, especially his dad.

"Yes, you can read it. I didn't have the paper to wrap it because I only finished it yesterday," he said nervously. I nodded as I looked at the book in more detail, reading its title, which read 'To Natalie.'

The background drawings seemed like the day we met: it had an airplane, the candy I offered him, and the sandwich. He could draw pretty well for a 5-year-old, but I had no doubt this kid was a box full of surprises.

I hoped to find more drawings, but I didn't hope that I would cry my eyes out as I flipped through the pages. It had some phrases, most of them saying why he liked me, and the background would be something we'd done together, but the last one nearly destroyed my whole heart.

Natalie is Natalie. Natalie is home: she stays, she loves me and she cares for me. She is where I feel safe. I love you mom.

He called me mom! I mean, he wrote it, but I know that's how he felt comfortable taking that risk in his mind. I was crying as I closed the book and when I looked to my side I saw an empty space, and I looked around for him, finding him running in the opposite direction but I ran after him, and even though I didn't run much, I could still outrun a 5-year-old.

"No, no, no. Where do you think you are going?" I ask as I finally reach him. I gently grab his arm, and he stops.

"I don't want an answer," he says nervously as he avoids looking at me, so I sit down on the floor of the hallway. He ran fast if I am being honest.

"Why?" I ask curiously, and he shrugs as our eyes meet.

"Because I don't need it. I can deal with you not wanting to be my mom. Why would you?" His eyes are getting watery, but I just smile.

"I want to be your mom. Can I be your mom? I might not have birthed you, but I would die for you, and I would certainly kill for you. I love you, Lucas, I really do. I can do what moms do; I will learn it all just for you," I say honestly, and he seems surprised.

"You want to be my mom?" He does a little pout and I find it absolutely adoring as I nod.

"Please," I beg jokingly and he nods as he hugs me.

"Happy birthday mom," he says proudly, and I feel proud, too.

"Thank you baby," I say happily. It felt good to hear it out loud.

As we returned to the living room, everyone congratulated me, and since we had a party planned for tomorrow at a nightclub, everyone left soon after. Charles put Lucas to bed in our guest bedroom, and my dad gave him his blessing to sleep here too.

Charles went to take a quick bath, and I said goodbye to my dad while he was preparing for bed. I entered my room to find Charles with a towel around his waist.

"For you," I say as I hand him what my dad had prepared for him to wear. He smiles. His curiosity is killing him, but he hasn't asked yet what has happened.

"Thank you," he says while he watches me as I walk to the bathroom.

I took a shower, dried my hair quickly, and got out completely ready for bed. I saw Charles lost in his own little world as he scrolled through his phone, but that's when I saw he was seeing all the pictures and videos he had from tonight.

"He did it," I say calmly as I pick up the book and sit on the bed by his side. He puts down his phone and focuses on me.

"What did he do?" He asks curiously.

"He called me mom; that's why he ran; he was scared of the possible rejection," I say as I hand him the book, and he stares at the cover.

"He never told me he had a gift, I never even saw him drawing in this," he comments as he looks at me and I shrug.

"I don't remember seeing it either but it's probably the best gift I ever got, he sure made me cry like a baby," I say as I laugh and he does too.

"Do you mind?" He asks as he points to it and I signal him to go ahead.

"You should see it; he is talented, and he is a sweetie," I say calmly.

I watched as he read every single page, his emotions surfacing slowly but he stopped on the last one just like I did. And he was there for a few minutes before closing it, wiping his tears and looking at me.

"I told him I wanted to be his mom Charles. I am not going away, I am not going to hurt him in any way, and if that bitch ever crosses my way, you might have to bail me out. So you may need to have a really good lawyer on call. You will have to deal with me for years on end," I am trying to lighten things up, but he smiles.

"I will bail you out, and I will have a team of lawyers ready if needed; anything you need will be provided; don't worry about it. Just keep making him happy," he asks me, and I nod.

"And may I have a goodnight kiss from his dad?" I ask cheekily and he smiles.

"His dad would love that," he says before kissing me. The kiss was intense, I think we both wanted to kiss for the whole day but never had the chance to.

"That was good," I whisper as my hands enter his shirt and he chuckles.

"That was fucking amazing darling, but I guess that's what happens when you spend all day wanting to kiss someone," he comments before our lips touch again.

I think this is on a good route to be the best birthday I ever had.

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