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♫ We're just people made of broken pieces
I got secrets, you got secrets in your eyes ♫

Natalie Beaufoy POV

Saturday went so fast, Lucas was quiet as always, some words being said, but he walked more around the garage. My dad and Pascale were always with him, even during practices and qualifying.

"Lucas!" I call him as I see Charles' time and he runs in my direction.

"Yes?" He asks as he stops by my side.

"Dad will get pole today. Are we going to congratulate him?" I ask excitedly, and he nods frantically.

And he sure did get pole. I took him in my arms as we walked to where Charles would be. We get there just in time. I kiss Arthur's cheek and then Lorenzo's as I see both brothers rush there too.

"DAD!" Lucas yells for his attention before Charles exits the car, and I see everyone's attention goes to him, including cameras. Charles ran to his son as soon as he got out and did the weighing; Max even put down his helmet for him.

"Thank you," he says, giving me a wink before hugging his brothers and the team. Lucas was out of himself as he stood in his dad's arms. 

He even got interviews with Lucas still there, and no one could ever complain. They are both a very good sight on camera. A very dedicated dad and a proud kid. No better duo. I started going to the garage and found my dad there.

 "Do you like the dad too? Or is it just the kid?" He asks as we walk to the motorhome, and I try not to laugh.

"I don't know. I don't know if I want to be with someone like him, it's too public for me. I also think he is out of my league. It would never work," I admit, and he seems surprised.

"I am going to be honest because I think he is very much in your league. Money is not everything; you always have his interest when you are around, and that is a sign."

"I prefer to be realistic, him and I it's not happening. Look around and see all the options he has; he is one of the most popular drivers. He breathes, and he gets a DM from a supermodel kind of girl. I am not trying to compete. We had a nice dinner, but I think we have more of a friendship vibe," I confess, and my dad just nods. 

2 hours later, I was leaving the paddock with Lucas, my dad, and Charles. My dad took Lucas into his arms since the paddock was still crowded.

"Are you busy tomorrow after the race?" Charles asks somewhat nervously, and I am suspicious.

"I am. Does Lucas need anything?" I ask, still suspicious of what could be behind this question.

"I wanted to invite you to the after-party we are going to. Pierre, Arthur, Lorenzo, Carlos, Max, Alex and Albon will be there. It isn't a Monaco GP without finishing it at a party."

"Oh, I would love that. I hope we are celebrating your first win in Monaco, I would like that," I say happily and I see his smile widening.

"I think that would make this the best weekend of my life if we are being honest."

"Then, make sure it happens. I will make sure Lucas watches it," I tell him before we enter the car.

I got home and I got a call from Marina, my best friend and the one person I've tried to keep this more or less hidden.

"You and Charles Leclerc? You said you were bonding with a cute kid; you never told me it was Lucas Leclerc," she says as soon as I pick up and I roll my eyes.

"He is still a kid, I knew you would make this a big deal," I say calmly as I look through my closet, I need a paddock outfit and then a party outfit. These parties are elite, I want to look good.

"You said you were going to have dinner with his dad. You had dinner with him? Oh girl, you are living the dream! I am almost there by the way, the traffic is so bad that I'm going on foot and- OH MY GOD! He brought you home, I just saw his car passing on your street." She says before I hear my doorbell ring and the call ends.

"Don't start," I tell her as she enters my room. My paddock outfit ready.

"What are you doing? Choosing a backup outfit?" She asks curiously and I shake my head.

"I need an outfit for the after-party. What would you choose?" I ask as I allow her to look into the clothes but she freezes.

"The Monaco after-party? He invited you? Oh, you are totally making out with Charles Leclerc in Monaco's after-party if he wins that race, and if he doesn't, you will be too because that man is damn fine," she says excitedly as she sees every dress, one by one.

"That's red, that would be a statement," I say as I see the dress she took out of the closet.

"It's time for a statement mon amour," she says happily. 

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror, it was tight, short, and very tempting, it called for attention at all the right places. If I was a man, I would want myself. So that is definitely the chosen one.

"So, what is he like? Is he as handsome in person?" She asked, and I knew this would go all night long.

"He is a gorgeous man, like really gorgeous and very charming. He has like a magnetic field, but he is very confusing."

"Confusing? How?" Her interest was piqued, and I knew she was the one person I could trust for these things.

"Like he sends mixed signals. Sometimes it would feel like he is checking me out, and other times I would feel like he is a friend, that he is nice to me like he is to everyone. I normally know when a guy is into me, especially when he is attracted to me, but he is a whole dilemma. I think I am more in the friendzone with him. I am the girl his son likes and I am fine with it." I say a bit conflicted and she laughs.

"Girl, I saw today's qualifying, he winked at you. People are going crazy with all the rumors."

"I held his son and brought him to congratulate him. He winked in appreciation," I defend my position.

"He might be confusing but you are too. You are scared of getting involved with him because he also works with you," she says and I somehow nod.

"That might be part of it. If something goes bad, work will be awkward and I might never talk to Lucas again," I agree and she smiles happily.

"You normally get more relaxed when drunk so hopefully tomorrow all doubts will be worked out. Maybe just have a little fun, he seems to be good in bed, and you need a good fuck," she says calmly, and I slap her arm.

"I fuck, I just haven't had time with all the trips," I defend myself and she laughs. 

"Charles will fuck the tiredness out of you, it would be the perfect casual sex with no strings attached, you two travel everywhere together basically. No way of damaging what isn't there."

"That doesn't exist. Someone always gets hurt," I say as I roll my eyes.

"You two are grown-ups, you can figure it out. Just live life."

"If it goes wrong, it is future Natalie's problem," I say, shrugging and going to the kitchen for two wine glasses. This will be a long night.

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