Chapter 86.

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   Everyone was dealing with the day before the day in their own way. We'd already agreed prior to today that there would be no meetings, training, review of plans, nothing. Even though no one was brave to voice it out loud, the urge to immerse ourselves in as much as normalcy as possible before the awfully close tomorrow was stronger than ever.

   Which was why Dorian still hadn't come back from Mr. Placca's music store since he left in the early hours of the morning. And why Landon was back at Ridgeton spending time at school and his family afterwards. Which was why Cami hadn't even come out of her room since breakfast, after announcing she was going to be catching up on her online mystery-thriller novels. And why Rav was also stagnant in his room, which had the pleasant scent of burning incense seeping through from time to time.

   Which was why I, for the most part, stayed cooped up in Dorian's room, reading and re-reading my comic books, savouring the victories of my favourite heroines and heroes over and over.

   And definitely not deluded into thinking that any of their out-of-this world luck would rub off on me.

   It was a nice day throughout. Despite the lack of any clouds in the clear blue sky, the sun was merciful enough to not radiate insufferable heat.

   Judging by the darkening sky now, everyone else should be wrapping up whatever they were doing and preparing to go to bed. I won't be surprised if Dorian came walking through that door right now.

   A sharp knock that gave the door a slight shake resounded in the room.

   That was fast.

   But wait... since when did Dorian have to knock to get into his own room? It's not like I'd locked the door or something.

"I'm coming, I'm coming,'' I mumbled, shuffling out the bed after a second knock erupted.

   I opened the door to find Camila on the other end, wearing a sweater over her pajamas and an unreadable stare.

"There's going to be a meeting behind the motel in a few minutes and everyone's attending. It's pretty chilly so wear something warm," was all she said before walking away.

   What happened to Me Time Day?

   When I reached the back of the motel, which had several sizes of trees scattered around, Cami was already there, carrying a bundle of sticks to a spot between two trees.

"Could you help find and arrange the sticks together?" Camila asked upon noticing me. "I thought it would be nice if we had a little bonfire during the meeting."

   While she and I were working on the final touches of the arrangement, Landon arrived with the needed items required to start the fire. Not too long after, Dorian and Aarav showed up, carrying some chairs I recognized from the basement as they approached us.

   Eventually, everybody was seated, surrounding the now vibrant fire in a circle. No one said a word. Speaking for myself, it was because I wasn't sure what exactly I was supposed to say. I still didn't even know why this meeting was organised, for goodness' sake. Or who organised it for that matter.

"I asked you all to come here because..." Camila sighed, shooting her glazed look toward the winking stars in the dark blue sky. "...because for our last night, I want us all to be together, even if it's just for a moment. Whether or not we make it through tomorrow, it is undisputed that our lives will never be the same. But until then, I just want us to have this moment. And at this moment, I would like us to get to know each other a little better. So, I was wondering if anyone would like to share something about themselves or even about someone else right here, right now. No judgement, of course."

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