Chapter 60 - Back Room Deals

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As soon as Valentina ran to her room, Kaiser unwillingly let Roman into the house. Roman immediately dashed inside before collapsing on the floor.

"Brother, how could you leave me out in the cold? What if I get kidnapped? And you changed the locks yet again? Do you not love your one and only brother?"

"Noisy. I'll kick you out if you don't shut up." Kaiser coldly told him as he examined this unwanted intruder.

"Hmph. Fine, where's sister-in-law? I brought flowers to congratulate her on releasing a successful project." Seeing that Kaiser wasn't playing around, Roman immediately stood up and dusted himself off before pulling out a small bouquet from his jacket.

Seeing it, Kaiser gave a dangerous smile before throwing his arms around Roman's shoulders.

"So, you're buying flowers for my girl before me hmmm? You've gotten bold Ro Ro."

Hearing the dangerous tone as well as the childhood nickname that brought on bad memories of a truly dark time in his life, Roman immediately straightened up in fear.

"No way brother how could I do such a thing? Please don't beat me up." the last bit came out as a squeak.

Seeing his fear, Kaiser felt he had teased Roman enough although he was actually tempted to beat him up. Maybe now he wouldn't insist on barging into his house uninvited.

"As long as you behave you won't be beaten. Valentina is upstairs and won't be joining us so pipe down. We can watch the video in the living room. Go set it up."

"Yes sir, of course, sir." Roman made to dash off but Kaiser called him back.

"Wait. Where's the hot chocolate I gave you?"

"Ahaha, somehow I dropped the cup when I was outside. I'll go pick it up right away brother." Roman awkwardly laughed before dashing outside again.

Sighing, Kaiser simply went to sit in the living room as he waited for Roland to load up the music video.

In a few minutes, the intro melody to 'Kill Your Love' sounded out. Both men watched with rapt attention as the scenes focused on 2 demons and 1 angel before the final angel appeared. It was Valentina, looking ethereal in white with her blond hair blowing in the wind. As she interacted with the other angel and demons, Kaiser couldn't keep his eyes from her noting every smile, laugh, and movement that she did. From her happiness to her rage and sadness to the final wistful look of longing as she gazed back at the demon. Kaiser could not look away for a single second.

It was the first thing he had seen her act in, and he was absolutely entranced.

Once the credits rolled, he could hear Roman clapping softly.

"Honestly she's a better actress than I thought. I was expecting utter rubbish but she's actually not bad especially since this was her first major work. With her looks and if she continues to improve, I'm sure she'll be a star in the future. Which makes it very interesting as to why her agency is doing its best to suppress her."

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