Chapter 98 - System Malfunction

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After smashing her head onto the pillow, Valentina went to take a cold, cold shower to clear her head. She truly couldn't believe what had just happened and the fact that she had just agreed to try dating Kaiser Grayson.

To be completely truthful, she was a complete novice at love. Familial love? Impossible. She was an orphan in her last life, and her family hated her in this one.

Romantic love? Even more impossible. Although she could also be considered attractive in her old body, she had a horrible romantic life. Her unofficial titles were queen of a single date, queen of the one-night stand, and queen of flirting that led nowhere because while she was a student, she was studying hard to maintain her scholarship while working almost full-time and couldn't find the time to sleep much less maintain a relationship.

Once she graduated, she became a workaholic at the start-up, and whatever free time was spent volunteering at her old orphanage or doing the necessary chores at her home. The few times that she had gone out and tried dating, she had never really clicked with guys, and after a failed dating experience with one of her coworkers, she swore off love and dating until she was in a more stable spot.

The only thing she could say she fully and consistently loved for a long time and maybe loved back in her past life was the pet goldfish that she had since college that lived on her work desk, and even that was questionable as it seemed to like anybody who fed it. She was just someone who had bad luck with love.

Trying to love someone and make herself vulnerable so they would love her and understand why she was the way she was and how her past had shaped her was something she had zero experience doing. It was honestly a very scary thought, and she would rather go back to the suffering of her student days.

Still, it seemed that she had somehow agreed to try with Kaiser, and she had a sinking feeling that she might mess it up if she continued to grow in her career and became busier and busier. But she would try to take it day by day.

After repeatedly banging her head on the bathroom door in belated regret, she came out of her bathroom to see Luca, who had somehow come back into her bedroom and was looking at her with a betrayed expression.

"Mom? You sent me out?" he called out to her in a little husky voice and held his hands to be picked up.

Hearing the way he called her, she restrained a sigh and went to pick him up, "My little nugget. Say, Auntie Val."

"You don't like mom?" As his eyes began to tear up as he looked at her, she patted his back comfortingly.

"Luca. I'm not your mom; I'm your auntie. You should only call mom to the person your dad marries, okay?"

"Are you going to marry Dad?" he asked immediately. Seeing his sparkling eyes, Valentina felt her mental energy drastically deplete.

"......go and ask your father. He was also the one who moved you to your room," She told him, shamelessly selling Kaiser out. Luca immediately began glaring before he wiggled down and ran out of her room after gently closing the door.


Hearing the door of another room being slammed open, she calmly locked her door and lay on her bed, mentally exhausted.

All she wanted to do was sleep. For some reason, her brain felt fried, and she felt as if she couldn't do anything more.

As if hearing her words and wanting to deny her rest, the system decided to speak up.


[Host is taking inadvisable actions that may conflict with The Host's mission. The Host should make sure not to allow external entities to interfere with The Host's mission, or there will be dire consequences! Recommending The Host to reconsider accepting the proposition.]

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