Part 8 A Robotic madness

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*Laginator troll's pov:*

"I woke up in the morning....and I get up from bed looking at Easter troll....But we knew today was the I woke him up and he gave me a look of curiosity...before I nod and me and him start to prepare ourselves for what's to come...we ready our selves and we go outside our room and go down see mc trolls and meme troll making and Easter troll sit on the couch and then we watch some we here mc trolls announced that breakfast was here, well that is just great anyways we all eat and we go outside, seeing street fighter joe stretching...seems like he prepared himself over night, we then proceed to get in mc troll's car and we drive to the blue portal....and we get out of the car...ready to fight..."

Mc trolls: alright...ready everyone?

Meme troll: mhm.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Easter troll: I'm scared but Laginator troll is here so....I guess I am...

"Oh thank you Easter trol-"

Street fighter joe: you bet I'm ready!


"We walk in and seems they have been expecting us..."

???: well well well....look who finally decided to show up...

Mc trolls: We won't let you get away with this!

???: you will never be able to get to him...

Mc trolls: No I will be able to get to him and I'll prove it with my teammates and friends!

"Umm who even are you? I forgot."

???: Very well.....I am the Tech Overlord....Father of Artificial divinity....And the one that sent that Venus bot to go after you....

Street fighter joe: ah! So it was you who sent that thing.

"Sent what now."

Tech Overlord: shut up....and get ready to die...

"Well me and everyone get in our fighting stances and we all rush at him and his and Easter troll were more focused on Taking the minions down...with me and my rifle and Easter troll with his giant paint brush and paint of course, while Street fighter joe and Mc trolls were focused on Taking the big boy down...and meme troll was... supporting I guess..."

*Street fighter Joe's pov:*

"I fight with this "Tech Overlord dude"...he seems like an actual he manages to wound me a bit with one heavy swing of his weapon....Anyways I trade blows with him by sending a barrage of kicks and punches at him while he fires energy balls and lazers aswell as spikes at me....ouch....a few minutes later and I was lying on the ground pretty wounded...and well it seemed like I did some damage to him...and just when I thought I was dead he suddenly got shot by meme troll...causing him to go towards Meme troll instead.."

Meme troll: You owe me for this!

"He said to me...well ok then I proceed to get up and I start helping Laginator troll and Easter troll with the minions I am pretty injured..."

*Meme troll's pov:*

"After i shot that green rip off of me I proceed to dash around him and landing a few axe hits before he gets very"


"Then he proceeded to spam energy balls and spikes at my face...before taking me down with a heavy swing....ouch...I get knocked into a wall and I could only mutter...That FUCKING hurt...before I see him approaching me...well I guess this is the end of the road for me...Until...I suddenly see Mc trolls appear with 2 Bazooka's? What the fuck...he fires ketchup and mustard at The tech Overlord causing some serious damage to his circuits as he yells"

Tech Overlord: RAGHHH!!!! WHY YOU....

"I couldn't be more happy to see mc trolls save my goddamn life.."

*Mc troll's pov:*

"I hop into my car while joe was fighting tech Overlord, then I go at the trunk and reveal my new inventions....the Mustard and Ketchup Blasters!....anyways I rush straight into the tech Overlord just right in time it I have stopped him from killing a very wounded meme troll...that is what he gets for being a rude boy!....anyways I fire ketchup and mustard at him causing him to get mad at me and he sends alot of energy balls and spikes my way but I use my ketchup blaster to yeet myself into the air and I blast him down with my Mustard blaster....before I here him say..."


Easter troll: Not on our watch!

Laginator troll: yup we cleaned your minions lol.

Tech Overlord: HOW DARE YOU!!!

*Now it was only us versus him....we all rush at him and go all out as he also goes all out and fires everything he and everyone get knocked into the ground by the end of it...and we stare at Tech Overlord....he looked....fried..."


"he yelled before he I felt a little bit bad.."

Easter troll: Haha we did it!

Laginator troll: yes we did!

Meme troll: Yeaaa we kicked his ass!

Street fighter joe: Yup we showed him who the real Overlords were.

"Well what should we do to celebrate?"

All of them: Party of course!!!

"That is what I was expecting....anyways me and my friends go into my car and we drive back into our house as we see the blue portal dissapear....and once we make it into the house we start partying,drinking oil,eating alot of food, and other stuff!,infact we partied for the rest of the day...and by the end of it all....I fell asleep on street fighter Joe's hands....great....and I look to see meme troll asleep on the table...and easter troll sleeping on top of Laginator troll....well goodnight to everyone I guess..."

*To be continued*

A/n: Ayyyyyy amezing story here guys real!!!11!1!1!

Words: 1055 wow that's alot.

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