Part 9 A Relaxation

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A/n: Sorry for not posting in a while...School just absolutely devastates my schedule but now I'm back and ready to attack

*Soon..the sun rises..*

*Mc troll's pov:*

"I woke up...and I try to get up...only to feel a arm on my waist....I look over to see street fighter joe...Oh poop..usually I would try to wiggle my self out of any grip I can but this... feels werid...Almost like I want him to wrap his arms around my waist....Could it be...?....Aghhh!! Who am I way he likes me at all...But...I guess I'll enjoy his Touch for now...I say as I Lie next to him and Fall asleep once more....."

*A few hours past*

"I wake up and See street fighter joe no longer wrapping his arms around my waist....and he's blushing? Huh...anyways..I turn to my left to see Meme troll holding his laughter and Laginator troll showing us a recording of us sleeping together....I swear I almost Grabbed my Ketchup and mustard blasters and Shoot them...but before I could react any further Stret fighter joe then said"

Street fighter joe: Alright alright you got me...Happy now?

Meme troll: Nah...We want to see more lol

"W-what do you mean more?!"

Laginator troll: Oh you know already Mc trolls...besides you and Street fighter joe match really well!

"I swore I was blushing harder than a tomato right now...As I Also see Street fighter joe Blushing like crazy.."

Meme troll: oh what's wrong? The gays can't admit they are Gay?

"Shut up!!!"

Street fighter joe: Yea shut up!!

Laginator troll: well I'm going to check up on my dear Easter troll...

Meme troll: Ok love bird number 1

Laginator troll: yea yea now Excuse me.

"....I proceed to do as Laginator troll says and move out of the way...but dam was His face so Punchable..I say as I clench my fists."

Street fighter joe: Soo umm...What now?

Meme troll: idk bro do I look like I'm the leader?

"I know.."

Meme troll and street fighter joe: hmm?

"Let's all Train and Battle eachother!"

Meme troll: Ugh why bruhh

Street fighter joe: o-oh sure!! Haha...

"I hear Laginator troll and Easter troll kissing again..."

Meme troll: ehh I got this lol

*Meme troll's pov:*

"I manage to keep my cool facade up as I HATE fighting alot..but ehh fighting is also what gets me motivated so I can't argue too much... Anyways...I approach The door Of the two love birds before Bashing in and earning a Gasp from them...I'm pretty sure I interrupted them...Lol."


Easter troll: W-wai-wait l-laginator!

"Chll dude...Boss has a order of all of us."

Laginator troll: ....Ugh fine what is it?

"We train and Fight eachother."

Laginator troll: Hmm...that actually sounds interesting.

Easter troll: Ooo can me and Laginator troll join in?

"Of course lol."

Laginator troll: alright we will be downstairs in a bit.

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