Chapter 4

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"You showed up." His deep voice broke the silence of the forest. "I was afraid I'd be waiting all night."

I brought my knees to my chest, looking at the stars above. He was settled at the base of a nearby tree. I hid behind my blanket, finding comfort in the warmth it gave me. He arrived a few minutes after I did, much like the night before. As terrifyingly risky as it was, I couldn't stop myself from returning. A strong part of me desired my mate, holding on to the little hope that he might come to love me even if I wasn't what he hoped for. That we might have a chance.

"It would be a crime to stand up an Alpha," I said, fighting off the grin threatening to appear.

He chuckled lightly," It's a crime you're so close, yet so far."

"Shall I spend a night in the dungeons?" I joked.

"Or in my bed?" He suggested.

"Nice try, Alpha" I retorted, not fighting the warmth that came from his husky tones.

He laughed, and I couldn't help but smile. I wished to see what he looked like when he laughed. One jump down and I could be face to face with my mate.

It was too daunting though and I erased the thought from my mind.

"Call me Rowen. You are my mate after all."

Rowen. His name sent shivers down my spine.  It wasn't until I heard his voice again that I was broken from my trance.

"What can I call you?"

I bit my lip subconsciously, playing it safe," Whatever you'd like."

"Alas, I still can't know your name?"

"I'm sorry." It was all I was ever able to say.

He grew quiet, making me wonder if he was still there, but even from here, I could smell his compelling scent. He seemed lost in thought, letting the silence of the forest surround us.

"I would give you the world, if you'd just let me," he finally spoke, softly.

I shut my eyes, resting on his words. Would he say the same if I revealed myself to him? Everyone knows how he feels about floating wolves. I could be punished for talking to him alone. Yet, would this be different? I was too scared to find out.

We spent the night talking about everything and nothing at all. Simple things like his favorite color being gray and my massive sweet tooth. I wished the night could go on forever, relishing in the moment with my mate. I fought against the droopiness of my eyes, laying my head against the trunk. His voice was luring me to sleep, and I think he noticed as his chuckles filled the air.

"Get some sleep, little wolf. I'll be back for you tomorrow," he called out softly before disappearing in the shadows.


I brushed my hair out of my face, scrubbing hard at the sticky tables in the pack house kitchen. Someone had made an awful mess in the dining room and it wasn't until after it hardened that I was able to get to it. It also didn't help that I had to get it done within an hour so the others could start setting up for lunch, just for us to have to clean it all over again.

Finally finishing the last table, I wiped my sweat away with my sleeve before gathering my supplies and heading into the service corridors. I was exhausted, wanting nothing more than to shut my eyes and collapse in bed. It has been nearly impossible for me to sleep lately, dreams of my alpha keeping me awake at night. Our late-night discussions every night didn't help much either. Neither of us ever wanted to leave each other's presence.

But the more I grew to know him, the more difficult it was to stay away from him. Despite what I had previously thought, he was a gentle man buried beneath a steel exterior molded from his expectations of being a great leader for his pack. Of course, that didn't change his opinion on servants, but maybe...just maybe he could change.

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