Chapter 10

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Alana allowed us to play music on the car ride home, even though she usually preferred to drive in silence. It served as a nice distraction against my loud thoughts as I anticipated the night to come. The day hadn't arrived yet and my nerves were already eating me alive.

Buried beneath all my head-splitting emotions was a tad bit of excitement, though. I had always dreamed what it would be like to finally attend such an event when I was a child and even now it was difficult to believe that I would finally get the opportunity to make that dream come true. If someone told me this a year ago, I wouldn't even laugh over the absurdity. I'd die.

"How is he?" I asked quietly, not tearing my eyes off the road ahead.

Alana looked at me from the side of her eye, her voice not much louder than mine," Not well. He won't say it, but you disappearing on him again is taking a toll on him."

Guilt washed over me. I hadn't been back since that night. I couldn't bring myself to. I sent him a note the next day telling him he shouldn't wait for me because I wouldn't be coming back. It was the most painful thing I'd ever done, but it was the best decision I could make.

"It's around lunch time, so we'll have to be careful on the way back," Alana sighed, turning down the radio as we neared the pack borderlines.

I nodded absentmindedly, resting my head against the windowsill. My eyes fluttered closed slightly, my lack of sleep finally getting to me. I could feel my breathing slowing down as a heavy feeling weighed down on my chest. A few seconds later, at least that's what I perceived, my eyes peeled open and I looked out the windshield in front of me.

A man stood in the middle of the road with his arms crossed. It was Beta Jax.

A small shriek left my mouth and I instinctively folded over in my seat, sliding forward as Alana slammed on the break. I winced as my head crashed into the dashboard, my heart lurching in my chest.

"What the fuck, Marielle! Are you trying to be suspicious?" Alana yelled.

"I'm sorry," I yelped as she forced me up by the back of my shirt, fixing me with a hard glare.

Alana twisted in her seat towards Raegan," Will you cry if I kill your sister?"

"Yes," Raegan answered, quickly with wide eyes.

A knock sounded on Alana's window and she rolled it down with an annoyed sneer. Beta Jax threw his arm up on the top of the car and slumped down with a lazy smile.

"I knew that was my baby sister," he cooed, leaning forward to pinch her cheek.

She looked like she wanted to break his finger.

"Piss off, dickface."

He didn't seem fazed by her comment, letting out a loud laugh and tugging open the door to the backseat. Reagan and I shared a panicked look, but I quickly moved my eyes forward when he thumped down in the seat behind Alana.

"Thanks for the ride, sis."

"Get the fuck out my car."

He ignored her, turning his attention to me and my sister. His left eyebrow raised slightly as he examined us. I tried not to look as nervous as I felt, placing a blank look on my face. He turned fully towards my sister, scrunching his brows together as he tilted his head.

"I feel like I know you, but I can't quite put my thumb on it...." He trailed off, scratching his head.

"Stop staring, she's a kid you perv." Alana reached behind her seat and smacked him in the noggin.

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