Chapter 16

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"When Raven's finished, Alana will take you to where you'll be staying for the time being," he explained after he requested everyone to give us a moment alone. My hand was still wrapped around his, but he hadn't made any attempt to let go. I didn't want him to.

I could still feel the sharp pain in my foot, but Raven assured me that would be the worst of it. As rough as Alana was, she knew what she was doing. Now, I just needed to wait and let it heal.

"Can I see my family?" I asked, quietly.

An unsettling feeling loomed over me. No one would care if anything happened to them. No one but me.

Rowen's eyes hardened and his eyebrows drew together, his cold exterior returning like freezing rain. My heart clenched tightly as if it already had his answer. My hand felt heavy as I peeled it away from his and tucked it close to my chest, turning away from him.


My eyes burned at the sound of his voice. It told me enough already. He wouldn't let me. Just as my parents said. I couldn't just accept that, though. They were just as much a part of me as he was.

"I just want to know if they're okay." I begged, a sense of fear threatening to consume me. I was scared my worst nightmares would come true. None of them were trained to fight. Not even my father. He would sacrifice his life to defend our family but it would be like child's play and those sadistic monsters would enjoy every second of it. Rowen avoided my gaze, his eyes locked to the wooden floor. Dread wrapped around me like a slithering snake. "Are they okay?"

His lips formed a flat line.

"They're alive. They've been relocated as of now along with the Hamilton's." He finally admitted.

Relocated? To where?

I raked over his stiff muscles and his glowering eyes. Suddenly, realization flooded over me and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You think my family's responsible for the attack, don't you?" I spoke out loud.

"An unauthorized floating wolf attended one of the biggest events of the year on the same night as a demon wolf invasion. People...are suspecting." He said, his voice falling low as he spoke.

It was all coming together. The chaos at the pack house. The lack of information Rowen shared with me. And a part of me felt like all of this was my fault. There was only one place I could think of where they would keep them and it shattered me into a million pieces.

"I came for you." I wanted to scream, but my voice came out small as if I was a tiny mouse on the floor.

"I know." He said, tiredly, running a hand through his hair.

"But you don't trust me." I concluded, a sad smile gracing my lips.

"I never said that." He argued, his hand forming a tight fist in his lap.

"You didn't have to."

I slowly moved my legs over the side of the couch until my feet grazed the floor. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I tried to lift myself off the couch, a sharp pain running up my leg from my tender foot.

"What are you doing?" Rowen frowned.

I didn't answer. He was going to try and stop me either way, but I was going to do my best to get to my family. If they were forced to sleep in a prison cell because of me, then I should join them. It was my burden to carry, not theirs. It wasn't fair. None of this was, but when was my life ever. It was unfair the moment I was born into eternal servitude.

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