Chapter Three

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"So Mr. Man, are you ready for your first day on the job?" Gloria asks Ezekiel as she passes him a hot cup of coffee just the way he likes it.

Two packets of pure sugar and a little bit of cream

"A little bit, I was up all night trying to memorize the names of all of my employees. Then I had a challenging time trying to find the perfect outfit for today, first impression is everything you know."

"Don't you have a wife that should have been helping you with that?"

"I uh, I slept in the other room instead of with Logan in her old room."

"Why is that?" she cocks her head to the side slowly taking a sip of her tea she couldn't help but for the Marriage Counselor in to come out whenever she talks about with anyone about their relationship or marriage.

"We got into a little bit of a disagreement on our way to the house, Logan feels as though I will be putting my work before her just like I did back in Chicago, and hopefully with me not really underneath Vern like I originally was I could make some time for Logan more often instead of it being once in a blue moon, but like I told her I can't make any promises because I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I don't want to keep on disappointing her. I vowed that I would never bring my work home with me for the fact that when I'm home it's about the two of us, and I kept that promise to a certain point, when I come home from work, I end up taking a shower and going to bed or attempting to unwind from work. Then there are certain days that I just want to just stay at work and take my mind from things that has been bothering me."

"Why don't you talk to Logan about what it is that's bothering you?"

She's been going through a lot.

"I don't want to bother her with what I have going on," he feels himself getting emotional as he rubs his thumb across the smooth surface of the cup.

"That's the thing about marriage baby the both of you guys have to lean on each other for support during their time of need whether good or bad. I'm looking at you right now and I know that there is something eternally that is hurting, don't tell me that you're fine, you and I both know that you are the furthest from that and you have to talk to your wife about whatever it is, sooner rather than later," she squeezes his shoulder in a motherly manner.

"I'll tr- I'll do that," he changes his wording around knowing how much his mother-in-law despises the word try, in her mind it's either you do or don't.

Trying can only take you so far, she would always say.

"You do just that."

"Well I guess that I should get going, I want to get there before the staff gets there," he finishes his coffee before putting his cup in the sink.

"Stop stressing, you'll do fine. If the staff at the other hotel adores you then I'm sure that it will be the same here as well. I almost forgot Logan made you some pasta salad last night for your lunch," she goes into the pantry to retrieve the container that holds the food, "she saw that I had leftover pasta salad from this potluck that I had at work," she smiles handing him the container.

"Did you make it?" Zeek asks trying to figure out whether he is going to have to throw out the food as soon as he gets to work. He learned the hard way that you shouldn't be comfortable with eating just anybody's food.

No matter how nice the person might be.

"I wouldn't have brought it home if I didn't."

"Makes sense," he nods his head leaning against the sink.

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