Chapter Sixteen

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The sounds of her cries echoes throughout the bathroom as the steaming hot water hits Logan's back as she rocks herself back and forth on the floor of the shower. "You're so fucking stupid!" she cries out as more tears runs down her face. As soon as Dylan left she quickly changed and went to the closest pharmacy and purchased a Plan B and took it in the parking lot, praying that luck was on her side this one time, then she came home to scrub her body clean from what she did leading her to have an emotional breakdown with thoughts of how she was going to tell her husband what she had done.

"So fucking stupid," she starts hitting herself on the head feeling the once hot water now turning cold.

"Baby, I'm home," Logan feels her heart drop down to her ankle hearing the sound of her husband's voice and footsteps as he walks around the house, "Logan are you home?" Zeek questions as he looks around the bottom half of the house for his wife scrunching up his nose as the string scent of bleach hits his face. He seen her car in the driveway and though that she would be home unless she went out to run another errand with Dylan. He rolls his eyes annoyed at the thought of that.

Maybe she's upstairs asleep? he thinks to himself as he makes his way upstairs. He tries to push back an unknown feeling that he felt as soon as he pulled up into the driveway.

"Honey," he pushes the master bedroom door open not he didn't see her in bed, but he did hear the shower going off in the bathroom, hearing cries and sniffs coming from the other side of the door. Quietly he opens the door feeling a shift in the atmosphere. "Logan?" he walks towards the shower slowly pulling the curtain back feeling his heart growing heavy at the sight of his wife looking vulnerable on the shower floor. "Hey," she crouches down trying to look at her face that she quickly turns away feeling guilt just by the tone of his voice, "what's wrong?" he looks at her concern wondering where all of this emotion is coming from.

She was fine this morning, but yet again she was asleep when I left Zeek tried to rack his brain around what could be going on with his wife.

She shakes her head vigorously fearing that she might spill what she had done hours before he came home.

He's going to be hurt more tears runs down her face at the thought of Zeek finding out the truth, but she plans on him never finding out about the ultimate betrayal that she has done. But would it be better to just tell him now, or to tell him later on in their marriage after they have celebrated a major milestone in their marriage. But only a fool would believe that he would stay then.

"Logan?" Zeek calls out her name again when he notices that she has zoned out, "what's going on Lo?" she went to open her mouth to speak but decided just to stay silence. "Baby I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on," he gently pushes back her wet hair out of her face lifting her head up so that they can be eye to eye making sure that she doesn't break any eye contact, "what's wrong?" he asks slowly this time seeing as that she was not mentally with him.

"I'm just having a difficult day," she shakes her head sniffling as the water droplet falls onto her knees

"What happened that made it this bad?"

"It's just the stress of planning the party has gotten to me," she leans her face into his touch, "I just want everything to be perfect, and it is now getting to me. I don't want to let anyone down," she holds onto his wrist pulling his arm closer to her. Zeek figures that she was sending her a message but decided not to pry her mind on what really is going on with her.

He doesn't think that he could handle it.

"I told you that you need to stop putting all of your energy into planning events and take breaks. Not when you have finally reached your limit, but when your body is telling you to at the earliest sign. You get so excited, anxious, when you're working that you ignore what your body is trying to tell you. I know that you want to make your customers happy to be sure that their day is one to remember by making sure that their vision comes to life, but you have to put yourself first baby. You understand?" she nods her head, "I need a verbal confirmation."

"I hear you, I understand," she whispers.

"Good lets get you out of this shower, it's freezing and I don't want you to catch a cold," he reaches over her head.

While helping his wife into bed, he couldn't help but to notice a small bruise on the base of her neck.

Maybe she's having another psoriasis outbreak he thought to himself as he dries her off. Because he knows that that mark isn't what he thinks it is. This is his wife that he's talking about, she wouldn't dare step out on him like that.

Or would she.

Instead of asking Logan what happened to her neck, he places a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving her in the bedroom with a pain in his heart that he couldn't describe.

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