Chapter Eight

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"You're back so soon Mr. Miles?" Rose asks with a clipboard in her hand as she goes through her afternoon checklist before going on break, "I thought that you were going home to relax.

"Things change, so I decided just to come back," he walks past her into his office where he tries to work through the tension in his body before he resumes back to where he left off.

"I couldn't relax so I decided that I would just come back." He isn't lying nor is he really telling the truth. Slumping down into his leather desk chair he tries to get the event that just happened not too long ago out of his brain and concentrate on his work, at least he tried. It's times like this where he wishes that he had a mini bar in his office.

But he would be too much like his uncle.

"I should have just locked myself in my office," he mutters looking through the papers on his desk as he logs into his computer, seconds later there was a knock on the door, "come in," he says hoping that it wasn't Logan.

"Hi, just making sure that everything is okay," Rose asks poking her head in seeing her boss looking stress has he rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, everything is fine," he looks up giving her a fake smile that she noticed.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything, my shift is about to end soon, but I'll let you know when I am about to leave."

"Thank you, well actually," he stops her before she left, "do you think that you can give me a bottle of Bourbon and some ice?"

"Rough night, coming up," she smiles closing the door behind her.

"Thanks," he stares at the computer screen with a blank mind.

I should have just stayed home.

"Here you go," she quickly comes back with a bottle of Bourbon and a container of ice putting it on his desk along with a bottle of lemonade, "my husband likes to mix these two together."

"Thank you, do you care to join me for a glass," he asks pouring himself a serving.

"Oh, no thank you, me and brown liquor don't really mix well, plus I'm on the job, so that is also a bad idea," she laughs standing in front of desk with her hands clamp together.

"You're right," he says taking a sip of the drink.

"Is that your wife?" she asks looking at a picture of Logan with his groomsmen on their wedding day, he nods his head savoring the warm of the drink. "She's beautiful."

"Yes, she is."

Even though she's raising my blood pressure at the moment.

"How long have the two of you been married?"

"Soon to be four years."

"How is marriage life going for you?" she gets comfortable in the seat in front of his desk crossing her ankles.

"It could be better at the moment," his mind goes back to Logan as he takes another sip of the liquor.

"Same here, the things I wish I knew about before I said, 'I do'."

"What do you mean?" Zeek cocks his head to the side curious on where Rose was going with this.

"When you first announce your engagement to your partner, all everybody really says is congratulations or are you making the right decision? But they never really get into the depth of the meaning of that last question. What makes you want to question me about the decisions I'm about to make in my life. They never really warn of the challenges that you would face either they'll just say, 'Marriage has its ups and downs,' and then you're stuck trying to figure out how to maneuver your way out of the down and get back to the ups. But please be careful of who you get advice from, they are some people love to see your downfall more than anything."

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