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Billy watched from afar. He watched Phoenix getting pulled into a police car. "Holy shit. He's smoking hot," Stu spoke up from beside Billy.

"Why are you stalking him?" Stu questioned, turning his head towards Billy as the police car drove off.

Billy scoffed ,"I don't stalk. I'm investigating."

Stu chuckled ,"Yeah? Why?"

"He's intriguing." Billy replied and Stu hummed, "is it because he's Michael's younger brother?"

"No, he was intriguing before that," Billy told him, "I want to know more about him."

"Why not just talk to him instead of stalking him?" Stu asked , and Billy rolled his eyes.

"For the last time, I'm not stalking him." Stu giggled, "Sure, buddy."
- -

Phoenix was shoved inside of what he calls a home by his adoptive parents. They just came back from the police station after avoiding a lawsuit.

"Your first day!" Joanne, his adoptive mother shouted at him as soon as she slammed the front door shut.

"You broke some kid wrist! Not just any kid, a cop's kid!" She yelled, sighing loudly in disappointment.

"He was going to beat me up! I had rights to defend myself!" Phoenix agrued

"Well, you should've let him beat you up!" Edward, his adoptive father told him.

"I am not a coward like you." Phoenix spat out before he was slapped in the face by Joanne.

"Do not call him a coward! You sick child!" She told him, roughly grabbing his chin.

Phoenix glared at her. He would've killed them a long time ago but he lived off of them.

Nobody would want to adopt a kid who's related to Michael myers.

"You were lucky that we adopted you because no one else wanted you! You do not get to disrespect us! We gave you a home!" She said, her eyes wild with pure anger.

"A home? You only adopted me for the monthly check the government sends." Phoenix told her and she slapped him again.

"Ed, take him downstairs." She ordered, "yes, dear."

Pheonix shrugged his arm from Edward grip. "I can walk myself, thank you very much."

Phoenix walked over to the door full of locks. He opened the door and walked into the dark basement.

"Can you at at least give me my bag!? I have homework." His bag was tossed at him, hitting him in the face.

"Thank you!" He sarcastically said, hearing the door close and locking.

It was dark but Phoenix knew his way around. He felt around until his fingers brushed against the lamp that Edward gave him.

He turned it on and he sighed before dropping himself on the mattress on the floor.

He grabbed his school bag and unzipped it. He pulled out a folder ,"homework, I hate you so much."

He sighed. He would much rather just kill those two upstairs but then he'll go into the foster system but then they won't take him because of who he is.

He's been thinking of changing his last name but he wasn't old enough to do that yet or something like that.

His mind wondered off his adoptive parents to Billy loomis.

He felt the electric spark when he touched his arm.

Phoenix had to admit that Billy was handsome and his voice, God, Phoenix almost melted on the spot.

Phoenix gave up on his homework after a second and laid on the mattress.

Billy loomis was on his mind.

Word count - 572

Short chapter but hope you enjoy!

Hybristophilia || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now