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Phoenix followed Stu to the lunch room over to the table where his friends sat. "Hey, guys! I brought Nix." Stu announced, sitting down.

Phoenix sat down next to stu, opening his soda can that stu brought for him.

"Holy shit. You're him. You're that Myers kid." Randy gasped, and Phoenix turned to look at him.

"It's Phoenix." He said, and Randy leaned forward a bit. "So, where's your brother?"

"Randy, shut the fuck up." Billy slapped the back of Randy's head. "Ow! You fuck!"

"How the fuck am I suppose to know where he is?" Phoenix questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"Ignore him. He's an idiot." Tatum spoke up,

"Sorry. I was just curious. Anyway, do you like horror movies?" Randy questioned.

"Yes and no." Phoenix replied, "That's not an answer." Randy told him

"That's the only answer you're gonna get." Phoenix said,

"I like you," Tatum said before she gasped ,"I haven't introduced myself, I'm Tatum riley." She winked at him, and he blankly stared back at her.

"I'm Sidney prescott. Nice to meet you." Sidney said with a smile.

Phoenix hummed, "So, can I ask you something?" Tatum questioned

"You're not my type." Phoenix told her, and Tatum huffed, rolling her eyes ,"I wasn't gonna ask if you were single, but that's a disappointment."

"I was gonna ask, how's life knowing that your brother is a serial killer, and your sister is a final girl?" She questioned

"Bet it's worse than yours." Phoenix replied, and Tatum slightly gasped ,"You're an asshole!"

"Thanks for noticing," Phoenix told her, "think I should write that on my college application."

"If you could get in college with that attitude." Tatum retorted

Phoenix smirked ,"Oh, I will," he leaned forward a bit, "I'll send you a letter when I do."

Tatum rolled her eyes, and Phoenix chuckled, taking a large sip of his soda.

"Bet the only thing you'll write in that letter would be, "I got in, bitch." Randy joked and Tatum glared at him.

"Yeah, actually." Phoenix said, "That's pretty funny," stu spoke up, giggling a bit.

"That was a nice one, Nix." He added, "You just met him, and you already have a nickname for him?" Tatum questioned

Stu nodded ,"I have nicknames for all of you."

"Like, Billy, it's B. Randy is rands. Yours is tater tot. Sidney is sid." Stu told her

"You're such a child, Stu." She told him and stu slightly tensed, frowning.

The only people that noticed were Phoenix and Billy both wondering what affects Tatum words had on him.

"Sorry, tater tot." He mumbled, his shoulders dropping as if he was trying to make himself smaller than he needed.

He looked down, messing around with his food instead of eating it like he was before.

Phoenix eyes narrowed at Tatum, his fist clenching under the table. Anger filled his body.

Billy was having the same reaction. Both were angry. Billy never liked it when stu was upset. It made him angry, and he wanted to kill anyone who made him upset.

Phoenix just met stu, but he hated that stu was upset. It was just sad.

He wanted to murder everyone. He would murder anyone who upsets stu.


Word count - 537

Short chapter, but hope you enjoy!

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