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Phoenix winced as he touched his cheek, looking at himself in the mirror. He had a bruise on his cheek, and his lip was cut.

He hoped his second day at school would be better than yesterday. Maybe he could make friends with Billy.

Billy seemed almost like him but yet so different. He passed his tongue over his cut, and a Cheshire grin appeared on his face.

He really hoped his second day at school was better.
- -

Stu grinned to himself as he spotted Phoenix by his locker. "Hi! I'm Stu Macher. So you're Michael Myers younger brother, huh?"

Phoenix turned his head, looking at stu, and the second his eyes met those blue eyes, it felt the whole world stopped.

All he could focus on were those blue eyes. "Yeah, Phoenix." Phoenix said,

"I'm Billy's best friend. He told me that he showed you to your classes. Have you been to town yet?" Stu questioned, and Phoenix shut his locker.

"I haven't been to town yet. You are offering to show me around, Stu?" Stu felt shivers going down his spine as Phoenix said his name in a tone he didn't understand.

Stu could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his cheeks heating up the more Phoenix continued to stare at him.

Stu resisted the urge to duck his head to submit. "Well, only if you want me to show you around town."

Phoenix smiled ,"Yeah, I would love that, Stu." There it was again. Stu ducked his head,looking down at the floor, and Phoenix grinned to himself. It was almost predatory,

Like a lion stalking it's prey.

"So, um..what happened to your face?" Stu questioned, and Phoenix hummed ," doors don't love me." He replied

Stu let out a small chuckle, lifting his head a bit, "same! Doors, lockers, hit me in the face too much."

"Billy told me that we have the same classes. Let's walk together, yeah?" Phoenix nodded,

- -

There was something about Billy and stu that Phoenix couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Stu and Billy were completely different from each other. While Billy had this dominant aura around him. Stu has this submissive aura.

Billy seemed to not give a fuck about anything but Phoenix could tell he was hurting inside like someone hurt him.

Stu seemed to want approval from anyone. Like he craved it, so much that he would do anything. Phoenix theory on that was that Stu probably never had anyone to love him.

Those two were so alike to Phoenix, but at the same time, they weren't. That's what's intriguing about them.

He wanted to learn more about them. He was looking forward for stu to show him around town.

"Hey, you're that new kid, right?" Phoenix lifted his head, seeing a blonde female in front of him.

"I have a name." He told her ,"it's Phoenix."

"Well, my name is Ellen, and I was wondering - " Phoenix spotted stu, and he stood up.

"Not interested." He walked away from her and towards Stu.

"Hey, Stu." Phoenix smirked to himself as he saw the way stu straighten up.

"Hey, Nix. I was actually looking for you." Stu said

"Well, you found me." Stu chuckled a little,

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" Stu questioned

"Sure. The food doesn't suck here, does it?" Phoenix questioned , and stu shook his head.

"No. It actually tastes great." Stu told him, "we're having hamburgers today, I'll buy us some sodas."

Stu continued to rant, and Phoenix couldn't help but think how cute he was.

This was going to be fun for Phoenix.
Word count  - 607

Hope you enjoy !

Hybristophilia || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora