Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Bailey's scream when she saw me could've woken the whole neighborhood

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Bailey's scream when she saw me could've woken the whole neighborhood. A jogger passing by even stopped to gawk at her.

She dropped her bags and sprinted towards me. Her squeals of happiness echoed in my ears as she leaped into my arms, her hug surprisingly strong. I laughed and returned her bear hug. We held each other, swaying for what felt like forever, without saying a word.

Bailey's signature Lily-Rose scent filled my nose, and I took a deep breath, soaking in the comforting fragrance. I didn't usually let people invade my personal space, but Bailey's hugs were something special. They were full of love and always made me feel so much better.

"It's so good to see you," she mumbled into our hug.

"I'm happy to see you too, Bay." We finally released each other, but she didn't let go of my hands. We just looked at each other, and she gave me that familiar mischievous grin.

Bailey Devereux was a 5'2 bundle of pure chaos, had been since we were toddlers. And she was a stunner, especially now that she'd grown up and entered young adulthood. In high school, she'd had braces, a little extra baby fat, and short hair that her grandma insisted on due to her unruly curls. But now? She had perfect white teeth, stunning brown curls with platinum blonde highlights, and she had the kind of body that some celebrities paid for. I'd always thought she was beautiful, but now she had men panting after her everywhere she went.

"Oh my god, your sex glow is gorgeous," she gushed, reaching up to pat my cheeks.

Slapping her hands away, I rolled my eyes. "There's no such thing."

Actually, I did have one. My skin was clearer than it had ever been, I was in more good moods - even my hair was shinier and had more volume to it. I just wasn't willing to admit it, or Tristan would say it was because of all the facials and that he'd be happy to do more of them.

"Darling, I've never seen you look this good, and you've always been really pretty."

"And you think sex with a man is the reason?"

"I think sex with a certain man is the reason."

A faint blush colored my cheeks, and I quickly changed the topic. "We should go get your bags from the poor Uber driver. He's been standing there, waiting for ages for us to stop hugging."

"Oh! We definitely should - I got you a few presents. I can't wait for you to open them."

"You shouldn't have, Bay. I didn't get you anything."

She waved her hand dismissively as she retrieved her suitcase from the driver. "Don't worry, darling. Your presence is enough, and you know how I enjoy spoiling you. Besides, these gifts aren't just for you." She then picked up two shopping bags, each with unfamiliar brand names on them.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Should I be worried?"

"No." Her smile told me otherwise.

I eyed the bags wearily. "Let's get everything inside before we head out for breakfast."

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