Chapter Thirty

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"Do you have any baby mama's?"

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"Do you have any baby mama's?"

Tristan's lips quirked as he kept his eyes on the road.


"Are you sure?" I could see Bailey narrowing her eyes at him through the rearview mirror.


Given his strict stance on birth control, I didn't doubt his answer. If he had gotten someone pregnant, he wouldn't have abandoned them. He'd have taken responsibility and stepped up as a father. He'd be a great dad; I was sure of that.

For the past hour and a half, as we drove to the festival, Bailey had been quizzing Tristan on anything and everything. Some of her questions were insightful and informative, while the rest were random and uninformative. Like, "If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one type of cheese, what would it be?"

Tristan's answer had been Cheddar — one I never thought he'd choose. So maybe Bailey was onto something with that one.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your dancing skills?"

Tristan took a moment to think about it. "I'd say a solid eight. I used to compete against my sister in Just Dance, and I'd smoke her ass every time."

"So you're competitive?"

"Very. Does Hannah like competitive guys?" He asked her, though I was sitting right next to him in the passenger seat.

"Hannah finds competitive guys annoying. Especially when they talk about her like she isn't here," I answered, shooting him a faux-annoyed look.

He glanced at me, grinning, "Sorry, babe."

I couldn't help the small smile that fought its way onto my face and looked away, shaking my head slightly. Those words always got to me, especially when he said them.

"What qualities do you like about Hannah the most?" Bailey asked.

I tensed at this question, curious to know the answer. Especially when I believed I had no redeeming qualities as a partner.

"Do you mean her appearance or her personality?"

"Hm... let's go with both, one from each."

"Easy," he smirked, "Her sass and her ass."

Bailey giggled while I groaned, letting my head fall back and hit the headrest. I should have known that would be his answer. What else was there to like about me?

"I also love how strong Hannah is, and I'm not just talking about her physical strength. It's her resilience, you know? Dealing with life's curveballs — she does it with this inner strength that constantly surprises me. She handles tough situations and comes out even stronger, and that's seriously impressive."

I looked at him, surprised by that admission. He thought I was strong? Why did that make me happy?

"I'm glad that you see that," Bailey nodded with approval, "So would you say you're attracted to strong women?"

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