Chapter Thirty-Five: A Painful Reminder

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My eyes travelled to Duke Zenos who was glowering at Raelia. It reminded me of the incident at the Rosen garden and his stare of contempt that had landed on Raelia. It was their first meeting but he had already held Raelia in such disdain.

That is not my biggest concern for now...but I have to dig into that later.

I rushed towards Raelia and wrapped her in a tight hug, enough to almost crush her.

Almost. Unfortunately.

Raelia tried to wriggle out of my grasp, " are...I can't breath-"

My grin widened, "Oh my, I'm sorry. My excitement got the best of me."

My hands fell to my sides and I took a few steps back. It was enough to get a good look at her despicable face and also enough to still intrude in her personal space, "After all, I haven't seen my sister since our father passed away. She vanished into thin air without a care in the world. I had to hear about you from other people. That makes this older sister of yours so sad."

I did hear about how she was going around gaining sympathy about father on the day of my meeting with the Empress.

Raelia's startled expression promptly changed into one of arrogance, "Sister...I mean Eliza, why don't you finally drop the act?"

"And whatever that may mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean that joke of a father has finally died for good. We no longer need to act like we get along," she sneered.

Before what she had uttered could even register, I had closed the distance between us. My fingers folded around her neck, squeezing it, "There is a limit even you shouldn't push, Raelia. One more word against my father and you won't be standing here but six feet under the ground."

All I could see was red, my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't know what kind of face I was making; however, it was one that had Raelia shaking like a leaf.

I was in a trance and a gentle touch on my shoulder dragged me out of it. It was Duke Zenos. His red eyes shone with safety.

'You are fine. Everything is fine.' That's what they are saying.

I took deep breaths as my hand moved from her neck to her arm. I pressed on it firmly, feeling the need to squash it completely, "I can pardon you once after all you are my dear sister. But don't, for even a moment, mistake my tolerance as permission to speak whatever that pops up in that pathetic brain of yours."

Raelia fell to the ground in a fit of coughs, her hands desperately enclosing around her neck.

"What in the world is happening here?" Uken's alarmed voice boomed.

Instantly sprinting to Raelia, he helped her onto her feet. She leaned on him for support, averting my cold glare.

"What do you think you are doing in my home?!" Uken yelled, emanating rage.

Duke Zenos stepped in front of me, covering me from Uken's peripheral vision, "The Duke of House Valerio has passed away under such mysterious circumstances. It's only natural for the Duke of House Xavier to offer his condolences and...if needed, investigate."

Uken flinched at the mention of 'investigate', "What is there to 'investigate'? My father died because of a heart attack. It is as simple as that."

It is indeed as simple as that. To the eyes that is. My gut says otherwise. His frantic actions and his quivering lips say otherwise. It could be that he is distraught after losing his father but...why can't I help but wonder that there is something bigger at hand?

"Well, we will find that out in due time. Till then, we would like to offer our condolences directly to the late Duke," Duke Zenos said. More than a request it was an order.

Uken hesitated but under Duke Zenos's unshakeable scrutiny, he had to eventually comply.

We entered a huge hall, our footsteps reverberating.  It was empty except for a classic coffin at the middle, Duke Orion resting in it.

My eyes fell on the white chrysanthemums that were placed on the chest of the deceased. Even in his death, the Duke looked weary. His whole life, he had exhausted himself worrying about his son and reprimanding him. He was certainly harsh on Uken but had sincerely cared for his son. My father would always tell me that he was a hard nut to crack, however was always there for his loved ones. Perhaps, the two best friends had already united in the afterlife. After all, that was the only thought that provided me with an inkling of solace.

His pale face, his lackluster expression, the pale blue marks on his neck...wait, marks on his neck! Anyone else would have not noticed them but how can I forget?!

Before I had travelled back in time, the Crown Prince was murdered. Cause of death; poison in his tea. I was executed as the culprit. The Royal Guards had supposedly received an anonymous tip claiming I was the murderer. A search was ordered. I remember, my face absolutely panic-stricken, as they turned my estate upside down. The vial of poison was found in my chambers. Raelia had undoubtedly planted it there.

Duke Orion was poisoned...most his own son...Uken. 

Duke Zenos seemed to be studying the blue marks himself, eyes slightly hazy. His jaw tightened and his head whirled to look at Uken.

Uken looked back and immediately cowered in fear. Nobody could have foreseen what transpired next. Duke Zenos swiftly grabbed him by the collar, his hand meeting Uken's cheek in a heated blow.

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