Chapter Fourteen: Trump Card

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The following days, after my coming of age ceremony, were very busy. First there was the issue with Duke Orion which I tried to delay because first I had to confirm whether Duke Zenos would back me up. Then came dozens of letters inviting me to tea parties and proposals asking for my hand in marriage. Word had spread that I had broken my engagement so everyone who were aiming for the title of Marquess, which was only second in status after the Royal Family and the ducal houses, wanted to wed me. All the letters were a hassle to deal with and I continued to suffer as I rejected men while there was no sign of the man I actually wanted to marry.

I also had other problems at hand such as Raelia's constant nagging. She kept on requesting to meet me, wanting to ask me fervently whether it was true that I had broken off my engagement with Uken. I did my utmost best to decline her requests and avoid her.

About a week of dealing with Raelia's naggings and patiently waiting for Duke Zenos's invitation to his estate, an escort finally arrived from the Xavier estate. I told Mariah to put extra care to my makeup and dress. I wore a lavender dress and a matching lavender hat which was perfect for a sunny day outside.

I headed down the stairs and outside the mansion to see a ginormous carriage, with a golden rose drawn on it, awaiting me. A man with dark, navy blue coloured hair which reminded me of the night sky and pitch-black eyes stood in front of me. He sported the uniform of the Xavier knights, a black armour wrapped around his torso followed by a sword around his waist and a black cape which hung from his shoulders with a golden rose drawn on it.   

The Xavier knights, more famously known as the Wolves of the Night, is the strongest military force in the Empire. Their uniform due to its onyx colour and their abilities which surpass humans and are more like that of a beast's, has earned them this name. Duke Zenos, unlike other nobles takes in people regardless of their status as long as they are strong. Therefore, there is no discrimination among the knights and it is truly a team of the strongest men in the Empire. And this man who is in front of me is exceptional even among the knights. Without needing to introduce himself I know who he is. I am sure I saw him a couple of times with Duke Zenos when I attended balls before the time travel. 

He is none other than Duke Zenos's right hand man, Cesar. Everything about Cesar is shrouded in mystery except for his first name and that he is the sole survivor of the Renge clan, a race of humans whose fighting abilities far surpassed normal people. His black eyes are proof of that.  Because of their overwhelming strength, normal people to the core of their beings, hated and feared the Renge. Four years ago, a human who befriended the Renge and stayed with them was a spy from the royal family and burned the entire Renge clan alive overnight as they were deep asleep. The only survivor was a 12-year-old boy and he was eventually taken in by Duke Zenos who was three years older than him. Since then people fear Cesar and Cesar in turn has been hostile towards them.

I have to be on Cesar's good side, he would be a beneficial ally to have.

I walked towards him and greeted him, "Good afternoon. My name is Eliza Arielle Rosario. It is a pleasure to be your acquaintance."

Silence followed my greeting and after a few seconds Cesar opened the door to the carriage and stationed me into it.

Oh well he is not very sociable so I have to be patient.

We both didn't utter a word throughout the ride and finally the arrival at the Xavier estate concluded the suffocating silence. I stepped down the carriage to be welcomed by the butler, a young man with pupils that were a mixture of violet and blue, and had long light blue hair which was tied loosely together.

"Welcome Lady Eliza. My name is Reymond and I am the butler of the Xavier estate. You can call me Rey. I hope that you didn't face any inconvenience throughout the journey," Rey said with a professional smile.

I replied with a smile myself, "It's nice to meet you Rey," and added hesitantly remembering the awful silence I had gone through, "The journey was comfortable..."

"I am glad. Now then I will lead you to the Lord's study. The Lord is waiting for you. Please follow me," Rey stated and we headed inside the mansion.

Although my heart was pounding and my hands were trembling with nervousness, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight in front of me. The Xavier mansion itself was thrice the size of the Rosario mansion and the Xavier estate was ten folds larger than the Rosario estate. The mansion from the outside was painted black and it gave off a sophisticated aura suiting Duke Zenos perfectly. Inside, the walls were adorned with paintings and the floor was made out of marble. A giant staircase stood in the center and lead Rey and I to the second floor and to Duke Zenos's study.

Rey lightly knocked on the door and informed, "Lady Eliza is here, My Lord."

"Let her in," Duke Zenos ordered.

"Then this is where we part, Lady Eliza. Excuse me," Rey said, opening the door.

Can't you come with me inside Rey? I can't do this alone T.T

I walked inside with stiff steps. I looked around the room to see that Duke Zenos had a very organised study with books lined in shelves on one side and documents stacked neatly on the other.

"Are you done checking out the room?" a voice asked, impatiently.

I looked towards the source of the voice to see Duke Zenos sitting at his desk and eyeing me like a predator would eye its prey. 

I can't show him that I am scared. I have to be confident to hold a proper conversation with him.

"I apologise for my discourtesy. It's a pleasure to once again be in your presence, Duke Zenos. Have you been faring well?" I asked as I bowed.

"Cut to the chase," Duke Zenos replied.

I sat down on the chair facing Duke Zenos and began explaining, "As I was saying at our last meeting, I would like to marry you. Please don't misunderstand, I am suggesting a marriage based on a contract which does not require love. To break my engagement with Young Lord Uken, I need your status. In turn you will be able to get revenge on him by taking his fiancé away from him and hurting his pride."

"I understand where you are coming from but I particularly don't have a penchant for revenge. It seems that our conversation has come to an end," Duke Zenos announced coldly.

I stood up and walked towards the door hoping he would stop me but my hopes were all in vain.

I expected you might say that so I had another card prepared. Although I didn't want to reveal it but I have no other choice, my trump card...

My back towards Duke Zenos, I opened my mouth and stated loudly "The recent attempted assassination on the Crown Prince, I know who did it."

"Now we are finally talking about something worth my time, Lady Eliza. Mind telling me who is that?" Duke Zenos voiced as I turned around to see a huge smirk across his face.

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