Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Million Words Unsaid

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A few days have passed since the chaotic events of the Valerio Dukedom.

Mariah hums a joyous tune as she sets my crimson hair into a gorgeous bun, "Miss, I am going to put these pink roses in your hair. I plucked them fresh from the Rosen Garden."

I twirled to face her, "What's the occasion? There is no need for me to get this dressed just to meet Duke Zenos."

I mean...he has seen me at my worst. I seem to only show him my bad sides...

I shook my head to get rid of such unnecessary thoughts as Mariah replied, "Absolutely not! No reason at all."

I chuckled, "Sounds a bit suspicious if you ask me."

Before I could question her any further, she busied herself in selecting my attire for the day. My eyes followed her as she jumped from one dress to the other, complaining how they weren't stunning enough to highlight my beauty. My mind couldn't help but fall into its own train of thoughts the longer she bickered.

Raelia came home two nights ago from Uken's estate. Judging from her shell-shocked reaction, Uken suffered some severe injuries and is recovering in his bed currently. Raelia has also locked herself in her room, only ever coming out to eat. Well, there are more pressing issues at hand. Uken murdered his own father, the late Duke Orion. However, I have my suspicions that this wasn't exactly his plan. Sure...he did have the killing intent and is equally guilty but there is someone at the head of all this. Someone more sinister and malevolent. The most obvious suspect is the Empress but why do I feel like...I am missing a vital piece. A piece that will complete this god forsaken puzzle.

"You look absolutely breathtaking , Miss!!" Mariah exclaimed, delightedly.

I gazed upon my reflection in the floor length mirror. In a matter of minutes, Mariah had transformed me. I donned a pretty pastel pink dress, the sleeves of which were designed with extreme intricacy. A small amount of golden embroidery could be seen on them.

I was visibly confused, "Is this a new dress?"

"Madame Rovelia's new creation. The one who designed your coming of age and the annual Royal ball's gowns. A true masterpiece, isn't it?"

I gave myself another once over, "Hmm, it really is. A waste to wear it on a mundane day such as this."

"Nothing is a waste when it comes to you, Miss," she said happily.

A soft knock interrupted us, "The carriage from the Xavier estate has arrived."

Duke Zenos had sent me a letter yesterday asking for me to visit him.

I was planning to anyways to check up on him. He looked distraught the last time I saw him. I am still convinced that he is hiding something from me. In his invitation he insisted I take his carriage to come. I had no reason to refuse and here we are.

A young man stood in front of the carriage sporting the Xavier Knight's uniform. His golden-brown eyes shone brightly under the afternoon sun. They met my amber ones and I swear, I saw a range of emotions pass through them. However, they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.

He gave me a courtesy bow, "I am here to escort you to the estate."

"Arius," I mouthed without realizing, loud enough for him to hear.

He gave me an uneasy look, "How can I help you?"

He seems to always throw me off my balance. I don't know what it is about him that causes my heart such anguish. He feels familiar and yet so foreign.

I cleared my throat, "No, it's nothing."

His eyes travel to my clenched fists and the pain of my nails digging into my palm finally pierces through me. He opens his mouth and closes it, hesitating.

Then without a word, he takes my hand gently and helps me into the carriage. Settling on the seat across from my own, he stares into the view from the window.

I observe him carefully, unable to remove my attention off of him.

Upon closer inspection, the golden in his pupils are much more concentrated than the brown. It's a golden quite similar to my own eyes. It's fascinating...I have never seen another set of eyes with such clear amber in them. His brown hair on the other hand...feels a bit unnatural. I can't put my finger on it but it feels fake.

He speaks, breaking the awful silence, "Is something the matter? You have been staring quite a lot."

A blush of embarrassment creeps into my face, "'s just that...the golden in your eyes...did you inherit it from your parents?"

He seemed a bit taken aback but not offended as he answered, "From my mother."

Short and concise. For some reason, I thought he would have a more cheerful personality. Why though? I don't even know him.

A sudden ringing noise disrupted my thinking and an intense, throbbing pain took over my head. My eyes shut tight and haunting images flashed before me.

Two children, their red hair blowing with the cool breeze as they played in an open field of flowers. After seconds, only the little girl remained and the once fragrant and blooming flowers had withered. A deep sense of loss and a soul wrenching agony was all she was left with.

Everything turned black and the darkness seemed to swallow me whole, if not for a desperate voice calling out for me, "Eliza!! Eli!? Wake up! Please...I can't lose you like this too after losing him! Eli!"

I took a sharp breath as my eyelids fluttered open. I was breathing heavily and my entire body was shuddering. My hands were clutching Arius's arms as if he was my only anchor in a dreadful sea storm. 

"Are you okay?!", he asked, palpable panic in his voice. His face was scrunched up in excruciating pain and fear.

Why do you look at me like that?

I let out an affirmative sound and he sighed in relief.

He raised his hand to my face and wiped the tears from my damp cheeks.

I am crying. I am crying? But why?

My erratic inhales and exhales slowed with time and Arius tried to move away from me. However, my grasp on his arm was unyielding.

Resigning himself to his fate, he took the seat beside me and the rest of the ride passed with me calming my nerves.

The carriage came to a halt and my slightly quivering hands parted from him.

Now that the high of emotions had died down, I understood just how bizarre my actions were. That too, to a complete stranger.

"I am sorry to have shown you such a shameful side...I don't know what came over me."

He simply shook his head, "It's okay. We all have our moments."

I gave him a warm smile not expecting him to return it. Despite it all, his lips curved upwards into a gentle smile of his own. It reminded me of someone very precious to me, someone I never had the fortune to meet but held very dearly to myself. My mother.

Tears threatened to spill and I looked away immediately, suppressing what felt like a lifetime's worth of words and feelings.

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